Ari SimulTest

Ember 1

Friend put this together from the bones of a Startup Ari deck so we could play.

Notes for myself re: adjustments

Carmen, which synergizes with Trick Shot could be swapped out for another Killer. Possibly Echelon, though it's going all in on having a lot of Icebreakers out. Boi-tatá offers synergy with the Aesop's Pawnshop engine.

Not sure about Overclock and the x2 Window of Opportunity. They're both kind of temporary, as they feel unnecessary.

Could add another Aesop's Pawnshop for consistency.

23 Sep 2024 floatingfast

Hard to say for sure without knowing the replacements/counterfactual, but I see the value of Overclock and Window of Opportunity here--particularly in the early game. Before you have an economy going, you still may want / need to pressure the corp, run aggressively for early agendas, or just bust through that one ice you don't have a breaker for. I see those cards as being quite useful in that early game setup, not to mention the click efficiency of Window of Opportunity installing a program (notably without the trojan limitation of Ari).

23 Sep 2024 floatingfast

the thing I'd worry about piloting this deck is that if I lose any one of my breakers, I'm going to be feeling a lot less confident about facechecking. Some kind of recursion (ways to fish cards out of the heap or shuffle them back into the stack) or more breakers might help, but just my beginner's thoughts!

23 Sep 2024 floatingfast

ok ok ok last thought! What if you add a couple copies of Botulus to this?!

23 Sep 2024 Ember

@floatingfast Botulus was actually in the first iteration of this adn Cado felt it wasn't necessary! It did work for sure, though!

I can see your points re: Overclock and Window of Opportunity. Do you think it needs more heap access with Muse, which is great with Physarum Entangler especially, and Simulchip that also synergizes with that Aesop's Pawnshop engine mentioned earlier.

Last thing, Diana's Hunt is a mistaken addition! We've got one more card slot :D

23 Sep 2024 floatingfast

@Emberahhh right I forgot Muse can fish out cards from the heap--my mistake! I think there's a good amount of recursion here then, 3 copies feels right.

Was wondering about Diana's Hunt lol, it did seem out of place. Since it looks like influence is spent already, I'd consider a neutral run event like maybe another Overclock or stay in faction with a second Burner? OR could see an AI like Mayfly slotting in nicely as a one-and-done ice solution in a pinch.