[Startup] Boatman

Rhahi 526

An Atman + Boat deck.

Boat does the heavy lifting, and Atman can take care of smaller ice that taxes out the boat. 3x Rigging up helps setting up both the boat and Atman. Atman + Leech can work themselves, but getting some help from the overpowered boat makes it easier.

Setup is quite slow. If all the servers are iced up, Liberated Account and Telework Contract and other 9x non-interactive money making events help setup. Otherwise, Dirty Laundry and Into the Depths help sustaining runs.

Multi-access in this deck is rather weak: 1x Deep Dive, 3x Jailbreak, and 1x WAKE Implant v2A-JRJ is all you get. Scout ICE for Atman in relative safety with the boat, for efficient runs later. I guess you might also blindly go for Atman 0 + 3/4 in a pinch, depending on the ICE you expect. I am hoping that this is sufficient to remote snipe, and regularly check R&D if it's not too taxing.

If checking R&D is too taxing, the plan is to use Wake Implant (if HQ is not defended hard) and then dig after some HQ runs. Beatriz Friere Gonzalez can help with this. However, in actual game play I haven't seen these two cards in play yet.

Mulligan plan: Any set of cards that let you set up turn 1. (money + card draw, money + boat)

Deck breakdown:

  • 9x Breaker: (Endurance, Atman, Leech)
  • 5x Multi-access: (Deep Dive, Jailbreak, Wake Implant)
  • 4x Utility: (Beatriz, Pinhole)
  • 15x Non-Interactive Econ (...)
  • 6x Interactive Econ (Dirty Launcry, Into the Depths)
  • 6x Card draw: (Diesel, Nuka)
12 Aug 2023 Chaostheorie7

What value do you instal Atman at? At 0? I guess you can have multiple...

12 Aug 2023 Rhahi

There are 3 strength ice, Rototurret, Echo, Whitespace, so Atman can work with them. But if you don't expect corp to have them then Atman 1 will be better