Fisk Enterprises: No Publicity is Bad Publicity.

ratzuka 27

This is wayland doing what wayland does, murdering or being bad guys.

Boiled down to the most basic, you wanna give the runner bad choices, and you wanna do it fast. you rush out your 3 pointers quickly, behind "almost" anything, sometimes naked. Your dream opening is scoring SSL turn 2 because they though NGO, or was scared of HHN.

You want to have scored early, because if you are past setup stage, and are on 0 points, you are too far behind to threaten a win state, and that part is crucial to force the runner bad choices.

Your main win strategy is scoring 2 3 pointers and a hostile. However, you are gonna win more with punitive, because the runner isn't careful enough. That being said, I often won scoring 9 points, because I forfeited hostile's. scoring 3 3 pointers are very possible, I do that repeatedly.

2 Hostile Takeover deck slots are tight, the card is great, your worst scenario is them scoring 1 of these, you don't care "much" they score the second, that one was probably Archer fodder anyway. You wanna score these, as fast you get them, you want them both out of the game for the runner to steal, making sure they need 3 agendas or a runner point. Playing 2 have the advantage of the runner often thinking they need to find the third, and when you are on 6 points, they will make mistakes.

2 Celebrity Gift You want to threated HHN often, and while showing your hand does remove that, the burst economy is more important. I always feel like I want Too Big to Fail in my opening hand. This isn't as good, but it serves the purpose of making sure you go to +20 credit quickly.

1 High-Profile Target deck slots are tight and this is your least likely win. You have 1 Consulting Visit to ensure you got it. But most often you are gonna win use Punitive Counterstrike.

Hard-Hitting News these are tempo cards, make sure the runner is poor, you wanna hit them, and if they don't clear, find High-Profile Target. If they do clear them, keep your tempo up.

The ice is made to be very problematic. You lose late-game to most runners so the massive bad pup gain you wanna leverage. You can slow out the amount of bad pup you gain, but it's rare. You often wanna rez something nasty in their face, and have them spend loads on it. Archer, Bulwark, Tithonium, are in these category.

Checkpoint. why is this in here? It's because it does what your deck wants. Its tempo, you pay a net total of 1 for this. And the runner needs to spend 3-4 everytime they want past it. It stops them from doing early aggression, and because breakers are great, they even break it sometimes. This is for central, it doesn't defend Reconstruction Contract, it only defends an installed City Works Project, it can happen, but rarely.

The bad pup, you gain a lot fo it, but you play insane ice. 2 ice can cost runner +10, and that much bad pup you don't gain. You are trying to rush out before they can set up, and taking bad pup is The Outfit: Family Owned and Operated's way of doing things.

Exposé is in here because of how it can turn the tide, no runner sees it coming, and you can use it like an NGO Front, and the card is just very flexible. Dedication Ceremony, can make 3-6 bad pup go away. which suddenly makes a glacier deck out of control, it's rare, but its damn fun when it happens.

Your scoring tools: have Reconstruction Contract in a remote, and use 2 Dedication Ceremony it, then install a 3 pointer. This is the best strategy, safe cheap, hard to clot. It's very hard and rare, 2 Dedication Ceremony is rare, and hard to pull off.

Leave a 3 Counter Reconstruction Contract in a remote for 1 turn. This is a 1 turn, 2 credit MCA Austerity Policy. I don't see it done much by other, but it surprisingly effective.

City Works Project and 2 Dedication Ceremony, 8 damage is BRUTAL, not many runners can deal with it, the remote, and have cards for punitive.

Install behind expensive ice early. You are a tempo deck, you need some risk, and try to make the runner spend money to get into a remote.

Notable stuff. 75% win rate jinteky. Over 50 games. See the deck in action against Code-marvelous, its both a great game and a fun showcase of what the deck can do. The most important thing about the deck is that it's really fun to play. It's dangerous and high stakes, you have glutch choices of betting on kill or rush, a decision that is crucial, and takes practice, and knowing when to go for one or the other. Sometimes even turning around and going back on the choice.

21 Dec 2018 Japoco

Love it! Watching the game against Code Marvellous really made me want to test this deck out! So many fun tricks!!

Ps love the name ;)

Baa Ram Wu