Fire Everything!* (Reading SC 2017)

FragSpider 87

(* if the deck allows it...)

This is my Corp deck I decided to take to the 2017 Reading Store Championships.

I'm kind of renown for making very questionable choices for identities or deck design ideas, and in this instance I wanted to emulate the Jinteki 'Death By A Thousand Cuts' decks but in Weyland ( 'Death By A Thousand Shots' if you will).

Idea being to capitalise on Argus Security: Protection Guaranteed's tag-or-meat damage ability whilst throwing out Dedicated Response Team's for good measure to ensure that there are 'no good choices' to stealing an agenda.

Data Raven's, Prisec's and (to a lesser extent) Mausolus to cause tags on encounter/access. Combine with Casting Call for just sheer tag-saturation. Enforced Curfew to assist with stopping Employee Strike and making meat-damage more effective.

Friends in High Places to recur destroyed DRT's, Prisec's or ICE. The All-Seeing I as a silver bullet vs Paparazzi-FallGuy-Guru shenangians, and Sapper as a deck-souring tool, and a minor annoyance to the face-checking runner.

Last minute tweaks involved getting Consulting Visit into the deck for much needed tutoring atop flexibility.

Bold with agendas with no GFI's; Government Contracts for econ, The Cleaners to bolster the meat damage threat, and my MVP in test games; Show of Force (particularly if Casting Called for irony's sake). No Hostile Takeover or Geothermal Fracking to allow The-All-Seeing-I to fire, and to stop bolstering the runners economy during a run (as I've found in the past it can really sting once they get beyond 2 bad publicity).

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Ultimately, the idea didn't work due to just being badly spec'd. The meta is very anti-tag/anti-asset, so against many players it just crumbled early. And any game where I managed to get early game advantages; they were quickly obliterated once the runner had thier full attack rig set up. DRT's spent more time as 'delaying' tools or bait than providing any significant firepower. Also, I should really of opted for a 49card variant than the 54card just for effeciency reasons. ... oh well; lessons learned!