Freelance Smoke UK NATS 2022 vWB

willybn1 130

This is my deck that went 4/3 at UK Nationals in Sheffield, November 2022.

By far the largest Netrunner event i've played and it was fantastic expereince, great organisation / venue / conmpetitors.

I normally run with Crim but couldn't find a sweet spot with 419 or Zahya so tried out this deck. After a couple of runs with this deck (originally published as Freelance Smoke by mao) i felt i could pilot this to set up whilst putting pressure early game.

I swapped out the originaly 1 x Clot for 2 x Pinhole (going from 42 to 43 cards) as i expected to face more R+ than Sports Metal although that didnt turn out to be the case.

Wins vs Sports Metal, Spark Agency, Outfit, and PE Losses vs R+ and Sports Metal twice