Adams Run

Pinkwarrior 2351

The deck is 45 but since needs the cards in your deck list to work I've left them all in.

So having played around with Adam I've learnt a few things firstly you need to own them Directive's and learn to live with them all once you get uster that he really shines and Corp's don't seem to trash's them when your tagged since you lose the down side.

The Directives

Starting with the easiest to live with Always Be Running you have to run every turn but plus side ICE isn't threatening because you can just double click it, with e3 Feedback Implants this can get you through anything and will usually get you in even without them. It's best to just figure you'll have one successful run every turn and one click left. This means cards like Desperado, Grifter, John Masanori & Dirty Laundry work very well here and cards like Safety First / Data Folding as these are clickless effects.

Next Safety First this the biggest problem for Adam whilst its nice draw it leaves you open to SE you want to either protect your self with Heartbeat / Plascrete Carapace or increase your hand size with stuff like Brain Cage / Brain Chip. I put in some Public Sympathy as well just to make it really unlikely that I cannot protect my self turn one.

Lastly Neutralize All Threats this ones a pain but a turn one HQ Interface really makes scoring highly likely especially with Always Be Running the trick with this one is to play low econ so you don't have to trash high cost cards as much another way is to build around it with cards like Imp & Scrubber again I find this works well with Dirty Laundry as even if you do have to trash a card you still have some money afterwards. I find a good start to the game alot of the time is a Dirty Laundry turn one on HQ followed up with hand size Increase.

I went for Sage & Overmind for my deck but to be totally honest it's rare I need either games have been fast high pressure and Always Be Running plus e3 Feedback Implants have been enough to win most games.

1 Sep 2015 FarCryFromHuman

I am very impressed by this. Test draws run smooth as butter and your commitment to the directives is intelligent and thorough. In a world of fast advance this is terrifying. I'm worried about the performance against glacier, but I'd have to see it in action.

The only criticism that comes to mind is the inclusion of Levy AR Lab Access. It seems to do very little work here. It almost feels like you included it to spend your last three influence and card slot in one go. There have to be better solutions; I'd investigate such.

2 Sep 2015 Pinkwarrior

@FarCryFromHuman You are indeed correct the Levy AR Lab Access basically dose nothing I originally put it in because of all the draw in the deck but after a fair few games of never needing it I realized I just didn't know what to do with the slot.

I have the same problem with Same Old Thing & to a degree the extra copies of Always Be Running (I do want to keep them tho in-case a corp dose decide to trash em). To be honest its nice to have I deck where I feel I have free room but am open to suggestion on those slots I have been thinking Scrubber's but really I feel I want to punish ICE more so maybe Crescentus.

2 Sep 2015 x3r0h0ur

I just played a game against the new hotness Titan deck using my Adam, and it was unreal how much Adam smashes it. Binary gear check ice aren't enough to stop the Adam onslaught.

I'm not sure what your experience has been, but its all about the early game for Adam. If I can't get to 4 points with brain chip fast, the game gets away from me. It surprises me you're not on more multiaccess like TME. I've actually regressed back to 2x legwork and 3x TME at this point.

2 Sep 2015 iherdn3rfz

I'm also finding Adam to be a complete blast and have been playing with him a lot lately. Here are my thoughts on your build.

This already has been mentioned, but Levy AR Lab Access does nothing in this deck. I would take it out along with the Special Order and use Self-modifying Code instead. SMC works better for Adam because it has synergy with Multithreader and lets you face check ice with even more impunity. The SMC may also let you cut the second copy of Sage and save some influence.

Swordsman is starting to see some play again because of Faust, and so I would add a Mimic as well. It's also a better solution than using up overmind or two clicks to a lot of commonly seen ice like Architect and Caduceus.

I'm personally not a fan of John Masanori in Adam. It almost coerces you into spending two clicks and/or credits to force the first run through, but there are times when I'd rather just bounce off (or blank Always Be Running with Dr. Lovegood) and build my board instead. The Masanori draw isn't as impactful since you have card draw from Safety First. Similar thoughts on Grifter, but I dislike it more because it costs influence and trashes itself.

Neutralize All Threats provides great HQ pressure, but you're lacking R&D threat. I'd add a couple of R&D Interface.

Brain Cage is unique, and so I just run one of it with three Public Sympathy.

So your only +MU is Brain Chip. I can see you getting into some serious trouble if the corp manages to double ice hq, r&d, and scoring remote before you score any agendas or find the Brainchip. Sage will be almost worthless. Same with Overmind. Data Folding won't fire. I think you need a back up plan, or may be mix up the breaker suite for a more versatile one that doesn't depend on having a ton of free MU.

Also nice would be some Scrubber to help mitigate the down side of Neutralize All Threats and more reliable econ like Sure Gamble and Kati Jones. I'm also a big of Armitage Codebusting in Adam since it lets you recover easily after being forced to trash random assets.

2 Sep 2015 Pinkwarrior

@x3r0h0ur I haven't had any problems with not hitting agendas early thanks to Brain Cage & Public Sympathy I don't actually need the chip early on for hand size an Always Be Running gets me in anyway. I do like you take on having a proper rig I also haven't needed multi access other than Neutralize All Threats probably cos am hitting the corp every turn.

@iherdn3rfz I like John Masanori & Grifter they fit the deck nicely and have proven them self incredibly useful to me. I don't like Kati Jones / Armitage Codebusting for this deck as it's not often I have more than one click left.

You maybe right about the MU but since I rarely need to install a program so far it's not been a problem you see Sage & Overmind is my backup plan my main plan is to rely on Always Be Running and keeping the corp poor by having to res everything, if It starts to be a problem tho ill look at it. Sure Gamble doesn't fit since I generally float at 3-4 credits unless I start to ruin the corp then I can end up with loads which would make SG superfluous really. I don't have Dr. Lovegood cos it wasn't working on jinteki at the time but now am so uster not having it am just gonna roll with it. I know Brain Cage is unquie but I need to see a hand size increase early to avoid death so am happy to run 3x to make sure I get it.

All in all I think their are some good ideas tho so thanks things like SMC, a proper rig, RDI would be nice also tho I feel The Maker's Eye fits better as you can use it on your first click.