Castelldefells Mod

Trewaters 26

I copied this deck from one that won at Castelldefells Store Championship ( I added the link so he/she gets all the credit for this deck. My changes were minor, but worked great for me. I played this deck in a store championship today ( in Longmont Colorado.) and it did really well. I had to leave early due to life commitments, but I think if I had stayed this deck would have rocked.

This is my first Kit deck and I like that it isn't a yog deck, which everyone expects. I thought this deck was light without a console, but it doesn't need one. This rig uses cheap chips to boost memory when needed. Below are the changes I made.

-Blackmail to deal with all the Bad Publicity. Makes the corp think twice about getting so much bad pub. -Same old Thing allows me to pull Blackmail or another event, multiple times. -Removed Professional Contacts, they are too expensive. Katie Jones brings in enough economy for what I need.

I thought this deck was light without a console, but it doesn't need one. This rig uses cheap chips to boost memory when needed.

10 Mar 2014 Flatline

Glad to see the results :-) I always thought that yogosaurus kit was too slow, especially with a huge card in faction such as cyber cipher ;-)

Having said that, just remember one thing: Professional Contact IS NOT an economy card, but an efficiency card. You need to draw A LOT with this deck, so it is better to also gain one cred while doing so :-)

I wanted to test blackmail, but didn't have time, nice to see it worked out!

11 Mar 2014 Trewaters

Thanks for commenting on my deck! I really like your original build!