Runner Eternal Any% WR - Guaranteed Turn 1 Flatline

ThatsNoMun 480

Post worlds pubrunner could be a slog. Sleeve this up to keep it a short one so you get to your Twilight Imperium game on time.

Note: If you want a puzzle, stop reading now and try to figure out how to flatline on turn 1 for a bunch of different turn 1 hands. Once you've found the general solution, try to identify the pathologic edge cases, then work out their solutions!

While waiting for lunch at Sunset Grill, RepoRogue shared with the ECG crowd their Hayley any% concept, which is much cooler than this list but doesn't turn 1 flatline 100% of the time. The table decided to revisit the concept incorporating newer cards, and the Wu/Faust/Begemot combo was quickly discovered: Install Faust, clicklessly trash everything in your hand, then install Begemot.

Wu tutoring lets you find and pay for them, bringing the combo down to 6 and 2. Even only drawing one of them is sufficient, costing 7 and 2.

...Ok, but what if you draw both of them, so you can't get Wu's discount? Can we still guarantee the turn 1 flatline?

That problem gave me something to think about as I sat in customs missing Sokka get 2 counters on a Vitruvius. After exhausting every econ card that bursts at least +2 for 1, I had to get a little more creative. Cache/SMC are super clutch for handling the pathologic edge cases and controlling your credit total for Daddy Chacon, but 3 SMCs can result in a brick. Lots of little things like that.

This was my first in-person wolds, and despite scrubbing out of standard, I had a great time hanging with awesome people, getting to know the ECG folks even better, and gunslinging to Find the Scoops. Thanks to everybody who came, I hope to put up a better fight next year.


Shortly after I shared this, RepoRogue discovered a much more straightforward Wu build, which we leave unpublished as an exercise for the reader. As a hint, it requires only 5 specific cards to be in the deck; the remaining 40 slots can be literally anything, trading a collection of skateboard tricks for one perfectly executed ollie. Feel free to ping me (Discord @ThatsNoMun#7341) to verify your solution, or propose new ones!

I love decks like this and wanna get puzzle decks happening again, so I'm opening a bounty for the following decklists:

  • Runner: turn 1 flatline in standard
  • Runner: turn 1 flatline in eternal in fewer than 4 clicks guaranteed
  • Runner: turn 1 flatline in eternal, no Wu
  • Runner: turn 1 flatline in eternal that even works with Corp turn 1 TechnoCo, which I opted to ignore (alongside a small handful of other problematic corp turn 1s. Can you identify them?)
  • Runner: turn 1 empty stack in eternal
  • Corp: turn 1 seven agenda points in archives in standard (will give an honorable mention to an eternal solution)

If you solve any of these, ping me on Discord @ThatsNoMun#7341 and I'll give you an award of some kind, TBD.

10 Oct 2022 Wentagon


10 Oct 2022 RepoRogue

I love this list! It's fun to go through the different possible hands and prove the deck is 100%

Less fun to actually play the draw game with than Hayley, but that's mostly cause Hayley isn't guaranteed. To use your skateboard analogy, that deck is getting stoned with your friends, doing sloppy tricks and occasionally eating pavement.

10 Oct 2022 bowlsley

Oh I think I have the five card attempt! I feel like I'm so close to figuring out a three or four card version though

10 Oct 2022 ThatsNoMun

If you find out a sub-5 card version definitely ping me! I wanna know about that

10 Oct 2022 RepoRogue

@bowlsleyPlease DM me on Discord if you find a four card version! Also, send me your five card solution. Curious if you found a different one or the same one.

11 Oct 2022 Wentagon

Load deck into jnet

Start up a game



14 Oct 2022 x3r0h0ur

Freelance coding contract + stimhack + all programs /deck.

14 Oct 2022 ThatsNoMun

@z3r0h0urwhat happens when you don't draw Stimhack? Or FCC for that matter.