Kit's Red Dress

Shannon.L 117

I'm fascinated by Kit, and also by the card Woman in the Red Dress. With some of the new cards that have dropped in the SanSan Cycle, I've started to edge around the idea of ... well.. this.

This is a Transhuman Kit, with implanted cyberfeeders, new eyes, and a spinal modem. Economy is focused in Kati and Magnum for real credits, with no less than 9! recurring credits available from various sources to (hopefully) keep the draw on real money low.

The primary breaker is (of course) Study Guide, which absolutely shines with all of these recurring credits to pump it. Personal Touch allows the somewhat underwhelming alternate breakers to get a new lease on life through the simple expedience of making their strength a little more reasonable. The primary threat comes from the double-whammy of R&D interface and Nerve Agent, which can allow multiple access against whichever core server seems more interesting. Woman in the Red Dress will ensure at least one of them is interesting each turn.

Finally, this deck looks for Analog Dreamers, which will abuse lovely items like Ash, or even unrezzed agendas in remotes. Essentially? If the corp doesn't advance it, this deck has the option of putting it back into R&D, all dependent on what kind of money it takes to do either job.

The coup de grace is Escher, which will allow a one (or two, if luck is with you) time rearrange of all of the ICE on the board - with luck, making it crazily advantageous for you to run, whatever that means.

There are missing elements - I'd like to figure out a way to get a little more burst economy into the deck, but Kati's going to have to suffice. I'd love just a little expose, but there's just no room. I'd love to fit in clone chips, just for the protection they afford, but I'm going to have to make do with Test Run to fish things out of the garbage.

That said? I think this has possibilities.

5 Jun 2015 HiggsBozo

I think, if you wanna play Woman in the Red Dress, you should be playing 3x Career Fair, and economy cards that synergize with that, because you need a fast-and-furious economy to really take advantage of Woman in the Red Dress speeding up the game.

6 Jun 2015 Shannon.L

@HiggsBozo.... maybe, but I'm kind of hoping the 5 or 6 (at best 8 or 9!) recurring credits will make a solid run economy pool.

They may not, of course - but i've got a fantastic Librarian deck that leverages both underworld contacts and data folding for gains each turn, and it's surprisingly powerful, especially late game. This econ's a little tighter, but Opus to fill in the gaps, cyberfeeders and Spinal Modem, and Kati for burst in the late game may be good enough.

honestly, I don't know. What I do know is that WitRD shouldn't come out until Nerve Agent's in play. Without that, the deck is going to be unthreatening at best.

6 Jun 2015 Shannon.L

Total afterthought to anyone who's not familiar with it: the key to recurring credits and how they've got great synergy with study guide is the fact that Study Guide can be 'pumped' on your opponent's turn, and the credits recovered on yours. This means it can be very easy and quick to run up a four or five strength Guide without any real impact on your 'real' credit pool, and no tempo hit.

Also, why study guide? Because it's not reliant on datasucker (like Yog.0), it's in the middle ground of cost between Zu and Torch, and has the best code gate synergy with recurring credits of all of 'em.

plus, it's just fun. :)