Self-Kontrol Kit - 3-4 @ EMEA

Fridan 572

I had been playing a lot of Spark Kit variations leading up to EMEA and feeling OK about it but I was a bit worried about the rough matchups, especially SDS Weyland and any fast corps when the Spark RNG hits badly.

Then I saw BinkBonkle play this list from Enkoder on the APAC stream and my prayers were answered. Turns out you can just install Lobisomem and it's good. Enkoder has already covered the fundamentals but I'll just note a few key differences.

-1 Propeller +1 Pelangi This is my favourite change. In testing I was finding I rarely wanted Propeller down, even against 3 stacked barrier remotes it was an mild credit saving. Pelangi feels great in this slot, dealing with Sentries at the same time and earning Lobi counters by making more code gates.

-1 Overclock +1 Rigging Up I was really enjoying Rigging Up from previous Kit lists so I wanted to find room for it. It's just a little smoother for setting up and works nicely to install Lobi from hand sometimes, get an extra Cataloguer counter or install an Aniccam for free and draw right away.

-1 Deep Dive -1 Aniccam +2 Cataloguer I'm still unsure about this, but I wanted a little more wincon in the deck and this doubles up as a control tool sometimes. It did save me against some trappy decks but the jury is out.

Overall my record could have been better but there were some narrow losses against great opponents and I think this deck has something. It feels like a great blend of the control Lat decks we've seen coupled with the raw power of Kit + Lobi I will continue to work on it.

EMEA was a fantastic event and I want to say a huge thank you to everyone involved in making it happen and everyone I played against, everyone was super nice.

And to my EA Sports pals: we're in the game.