All-In Apocalypse Apex

hams 504

Dodge ICE, drop Apocalypse.

Be patient with Inside Job and Spear Phishing. Threaten accesses, but don’t over commit, because you’re saving your events for the Apocalypse turn, and you just want to know what you need to take into account when that turn comes. Force the corp to commit ICE to keeping you out, so that they expend resources, so that Apocalypse is extra crippling. Multiple copies of Apocalypse with bypass effects can also allow you to sometimes use Apocalypse back to back when the corp thinks they can bounce back quickly.

Fan Site plus The Shadow Net act as clickless Same Old Thing for your ICE bypass events, allowing you to reuse crucial ones during the big turn. This can allow you to get away with sometimes only having one bypass effect in hand used multiple times to perform Apocalypse.

Don’t be too focused on setting up the Reaver and Chop Bot engine, because it isn’t sticking around long. Use it to just dig for pieces, and then let it go when appropriate. Adjust what you put face down depending on the matchup; if you expect a short game, just ditch the Wastelands, Reavers, and Hunting Grounds.

Prey is only really there for Turing, which can be a pain, feel free to swap it to something else. Similarly, Hunting Grounds doesn’t do a lot of work, and often goes facedown, not sure what else would be best in that slot. Perhaps Sports Hopper? Suggestions welcome for changes.

Counters are the same as always against Apex that only runs Endless Hunger as a breaker; you don’t like tracers as you don’t have a lot of money, you don’t like destroyers (especially Rototurret), Fairchild is just mean, Turing is annoying, Crisium, Caprice, and Batty can all mess up your day, Architect can’t be destroyed, and so on. However, if is often difficult to play around both Inside Job and Spear Phishing at the same time, and if you squeak in an Apocalypse, you’re gold.

3 Jun 2017 GloryTo

If you don't like Rototurret, try slotting e3 Feedback Implants. The real problems start with Architect and Sapper, which if you see them around a lot makes it worth slotting Mimic and Clone Chip respectively.

Endless Hunger #OneTrueBreaker

3 Jun 2017 Myriad

I am surprised not to see Adjusted Matrix and E3 Feedback Implants. While it doesn't support your strategy for all in Apocalypse, it does solve your problems with some troublesome ice.

It may be a worthy slot to consider as it shores up matchups that are otherwise auto-loss.

I think apocalypse is great to land when you can, but you don't necessarily need it every matchup. Its great against asset spam.

20 Jul 2017 holloway

Hmm, why no Hades Shard in this? You should be able to play it for free, and might be good after apocalypse!