The Kit That Got The Cream

Groovicron 32

The simple idea of using Kit's ident ability in conjunction with Refractor and Spooned recursion to ensure access to R&D. Balancing economy, card draw and tempo is always the big issue and as this is a very rough draft any suggestions are welcome.

Strategic idea is simple; Rush out Refractor and a stealth source ASAP then keep up the pressure. Unless the first Ice on a server is particularly taxing save Spooned for when the second layer appears.

... and the deck name? Everyone knows Code Gates are creamy....

19 Feb 2015 Bananifier

Someone's listening to Term7 ;)

I actually do like this deck a lot. It's streamlined enough to feel very aggressive. My only complaint would be that Clone Chip does not feel very useful here. I'm guessing you are cloning SMCs back to build your RIG? I would swap them out for one more Escher and one more R&D interface / a single Maker's Eye. The second escher feels necessary as things like a second-layer pop-up really hurts, and more R&D accesses are always good things in a deck. Besides, you may even be able to spoon all the ice on R&D, which would work wonders with more multi-accesses.

Lastly, I would remove a plascrete, remove Scrubber, and add a single Utopia Shard (cheap HQ multi-access) and fill the last slot with whatever you'd like (a Cerberus "Lady" H1, perhaps?).

19 Feb 2015 Groovicron

@Bananifier Term7? Never heard of it...... Honest...... ;)

The Clone Chips are just due to paranoia about needing recursion for the Dagger or Inti but as if I'm playing it right they shouldn't be need maybe I should just man up and dump them...