Startup Loup 1.1

Navelgazer 325

This is a work-in-progress brew based heavily on Napalm900's "[Startup] Virus Soup (with full recipe)." Playing around with the first iteration today, it felt like the two companions I included (Paladin Poemu and Fencer Fueno) didn't have enough to do, and that the deck needed more aggressive card draw. This version loses the companions for 3x Moshing and 1x The Nihilist.

Publishing really just so I can share the link with friends to look over. Thanks!

18 Jul 2021 Navelgazer

Like, obviously I need to change the console, having dropped the companions. 2 credits for 2 MU isn't worthless in this deck, but we can do better. Carnivore is redundant with the imps here, so Demolisher is really the only choice if I don't want to rearrange my INF (and if I'm doing that, I'm dropping a Boomerang or Simulchip for a Docklands pass in any case.)