Where There's a Mill, There's a Way

CelestialSpark 321

Shoutouts to Day[9] for being generally awesome and entertaining as decides his actual victory condition this game (like the last) was really to mill his opponent all along.

This is a pretty fun deck to run, but not seriously competitive. Two things seriously hold it back: one, you are just praying that, by divine fortune, your opponent doesn't have a Swordsman, Turing or Hortum to throw in front of HQ, and two, you're in trouble if they're playing Chronos Protocol: Selective Mind-mapping or have any other way to figure out your intentions, such as knowing your deck. You CAN win if your opponent figures out your game plan, but only if you can steal seven points in about five runs.

Theophilius Bagbiter does serious work in this deck; mulligan for him above anything else, because he's too costly to take advantage of once your credit pool goes above 6 or so. Should you not get him, spend all your money installing resources while drawing until he shows up. Save an Easy Mark for the turn you play him so you can retain your hand. Having 20+ cards in hand means you don't have to waste any cards while you draw like a madman, and stray damage is much less likely to hit important cards. Should Theophilius be trashed at any point (Contract Killer is a possible cause), you generally want to throw no more than one Fear the Masses in the heap, even if that may cost you some money cards.

From there, simply draw through your deck as quickly as possible until you've found all 6 Fear the Masses, all three Fisk Investment Seminar, and Eater. Set up a Same Old Thing if there's time and On the Lam if you fear Hard-Hitting News; you can also use On the Lam as protection from Urban Renewal or Armed Intimidation among other things.

Aumakua and Dean Lister let you challenge remotes. You want to absolutely minimize your number of runs because your credits and ability to even enter remotes are extremely limited, but if you let the corp score two 3-pointers quickly unchallenged, you're in a rough spot. You can use Steve's ability to get a Dean Lister back once you've trashed two of them, but it's not ideal. Try not to have Eater out when you steal agendas if you haven't seen a restricted card, because you might lose your only copy to Hunter Seeker.

Your endgame plan: Install Eater, play Fear the Masses, and have Steve demand back Fisk Investment Seminar (picking two copies so there's no choice) if you can win by decking the corp, or Dean Lister if you're going to hope you get enough points from Archives. Same Old Thing that Fear the Masses. Next turn play Fisk Investment Seminar (if decking) and more Fear the Masses. Throw out The Black File if needed for a couple extra turns. Any time there are two copies of Fear the Masses in your heap, you can use Steve to get one back immediately before you show copies from your hand when playing a third copy. Repeat until corp is decked or you're out of time; at that point, use Dean Lister to run Archives with Aumakua if it's protected.