I'll clean this up later and add links but here you go, WALL OF TEXT.
Just another moderately standard Grug list for intellectuals who realise that life is much less stressful for you, and much more stressful for the Corp, when you don't have to read what subtype their ice is.
As functionally a green criminal, the goal is to acknowledge that Corps are going fast these days and have a bunch of silly tricks involving cards with too much text on them. You, as the galaxy brained Shaper, have a bunch of busted events you can play alongside an understanding of the Dewie Decimal System that do huge damage, so the only logical thing to do is to hit your opponent with them over and over again as quickly as possible, exploiting any weaknesses the Corp presents to you and sending their best cards into The Shadow Realm. The rest of the deck is basically Spark support and Gas.
It's like playing regular Crim, except it has better run events, better breakers, doesn't need to import anything to function and cheats repeatedly.
Jokes aside, by design the deck archetype is simple, solid and strong, allowing you the chance to play some strong fundamental netrunner. Which for a nationals, where Corp decks can run the full gambit of Crazy, is much appreciated. It probably doesn't need a run sheet on how to play but I've prepared a quick one for anyone interested.
1: Make sure you Spark into the correct breakers early on.
2: Make sure you don't misplay. Or get Savagely Outplayed with poor hits from your run events.
3: Don't Burner someone for value who is about to score a Rasheda unless you know you're going to hit something good.
4: Try to prioritise using Overclock instead of Trick Shot for Cataloger runs.
Some things not present:
Ash: not really worth it when you don't have Class Act to keep scuffling it to the bottom of your deck, or when your deck only has 10 influence. From my experience if the game goes long you'll neaaaaarly run out of gas but still have just enough to be able to close the game with a yolo run or two. DJ is probably all the recursion you need.
Daily Cats: personally I feel that in our modern age of drip economy existing everywhere for quite cheap, if your deck can't play this card for 0 dollars then you shouldn't bother playing this card.
Pinhole: Bit of a personal preference honestly. Could and probably should be straight swapped in for Bahia Bands. Obviously allows you to contest remotes filled with upgrades or Must Trash things. However as a deck I feel the win is almost entirely on Centrals and that you don't need to contest the remote with like 4 face down cards and multiple Border Controls in it past the Mid game. Still if your meta is filled with rubbish like Azmari kill decks on Distrasraea grid then go right ahead
As for the spicy includes:
Inversificator: Gives you a 2/3 chance to hit a Decoder through Spark without screwing your final memory on programs and furthermore gives you a bunch of Skateboarding tricks to mess with the Corp. Often a better hit into decks running a bunch of mid tier ice, especially HB, than Lob because of the capacity to start putting rez'd gatekeepers in places you want to run, asking your opponent if they want to trash Border Control before it ends up on Archives and other shenanigans.
Eru: your standard "last minute late night at the pub Genius Brainwave" inclusion. The logic here is that it gives you an archives threat which can force the Corp to spread their ice more thinly. I played her a little wrong I almost feel: I played her standardly and kept her hidden away till it was time to play her and get a free 2 card run on RnD. It might have been better to play her early, obviously, and loudly in order to force the Corp to ice Archives, before cataloguing RnD
A lot of times she did nothing though, for first world reasons (ie: the Corp died to Burner, Cataloguer and/or Trick Shot)
It should also be noted that she doesn't work with Cataloguer, though very frequently she can be the one who goes and grabs the agenda you've stacked on top. And she obviously doesn't work with run economy like overclock or Trick Shot. But ideally you save your money with your much cheaper Archives runs.
In any case I think she works in long games which is the intended target matchup for her anyway. She might be worth considering an include of Pretty Mary to give more long-term consistent RnD pressure
Anyway the event was an absolute blast and made for a great weekend. Thanks to everyone who made the trip.
24 Jul 2024
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