SlySquids Bad Pub Control v1.1

SlySquid 4763

This is a deck im excited to make when O&C comes out, also it runs the ID that makes the corp start with a bad pub, not EKim..

Its loosely based off of the Iain Stirling: Retired Spook deck that went something like 25/0 in a FFG company tournament...

14 Oct 2014 jollyskulls

Interesting idea but I am not sure I am sold on it till i see more anarch material in Order and chaos.

14 Oct 2014 SlySquid

Ya, it's just the mess of ideas that I have with the current card pool (spoilers included) @jollyskulls, I have no doubt that it will get a few more support cards in O&C... I really want to see a new form of control in the game besides bleeding credits from the corp

14 Oct 2014 juliandark

Needs plascrete, badly, as corp will be floating in credits which will make for en easy SEA/Midseasons. One Levy perhaps for the longer games?

14 Oct 2014 SlySquid

The deck lowers the hand size of the corp, if they really want to hold a kill combo in there hand and not ice or agendas I'm fine with that...

14 Oct 2014 x3r0h0ur

I think 3 Tallie is a bit much, especially with hostage. 2c for card draw is quite a lot to be doing lots of times, and her tagging thing is a bit of a financial problem.

Also knight works very well with blackmail decks, what ice does get rezzed gets knighted or parasited. I'm not even sure D4v1d is necessary, unless you find OAI and BER are a thing.

I would be in a hurry to find blackmails so Inject seems logical, even if you dump crypsis or parasite, you have deja vu. I'd do -1 tallie -3 d4v1d +3 inject +1 human first (just for a little econ boost, and since 3 tallie might be too much...maybe masanori?) Consider slots for knight, but you're pretty snug I suppose.

15 Oct 2014 SlySquid

The Tallie Perrault is also my scorch protection, I know it seems janky but I feel it fits the theme of the deck, but I'll think on lowering the number... I can't believe I forgot about Inject! You hit the nail on the head with that one... And I think your right about the breakers too, I just copied my suit from my Noise: Hacker Extraordinaire deck... Thanks for the help =)

27 Jan 2015 jkl620

If this really is supposed to be a Valencia Estevez deck then it would not be playable as her minimum deck size is 50

27 Jan 2015 SlySquid

Ya, I know that now @jkl620 lol...