
Legality (show more)
Deck valid after Sixth Rotation
Card draw simulator
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ynalak7 14

Seb list for my first ever Netrunner event, the 2024 Pittsburgh Circuit Opener :D

The Pittsburgh community is rad and welcoming. It was awesome meeting everyone and I can't wait to jam more games with them in the future.

I went 2-1 with a rough loss to Azmari flatline, still pretty new to standard and had no idea how to play that matchup. Otherwise the deck had a strong showing. And this deck is FUN. It's capable of some explosive turns with Hannah and Juli.

I think the key to playing Seb is to keep constant pressure on the corp while floating tags. The second line of Seb's ID is relevant and what enables him. You've got clickless or cheap ways to clear tags, and every tag you take comes with 2 credits and a click stapled to it, while the corp must spend a click, 2 credits and a card to punish you. If they're taking time off to trash resources then you should be able to capitalize on what is a massive tempo hit for them. And ideally, they'll be on the back foot scrambling to find more ICE and resources that you've been trashing and ripping from centrals.

There are turns where you do need to clear tags, but they're rare. It feels very good to answer "no" when the corp asks if you're tagged on the turns they can actually do something about your board.

The deck is very credit-lite. Audrey doesn't require money to do her thing. Instead your main economic asset is cards. 3x Nuka, Steelskin, and ideally Amanuensis triggering every turn. With multiaccess off Manuel and Eru you should win before you burn through your deck entirely. Eru is a stellar card; forcing the corp to protect Archives is a strong play when you're already trashing their ICE.

Audrey really shines in this deck. There are plenty of opportunities to charge her. You're aiming to take a tag, trash a corp card, and charge your hardware every turn. Run centrals and non-scoring remotes to accomplish this, then Audrey will be charged up for a run on their scoring remote. Devil Charm/Crew will handle anything Audrey can't.

Also you die to EotL but who cares.

30 Sep 2024 jamesmarcus

3 Seb at the same event! Great showing you will have to teach me how to play him sometime.