Kit Clot Bar

hi_impact 1734

Combines the early central pressure of Kit, the late game potential of Stealth, and the FA-stopping power of Clot in Shaper to make a fearsome deck, with it's weak point on Draw. But with each drawn card being quality minus the console and the visage copies, you will find yourself in situations where you can get in anywhere, anytime.

Key points:

  • Parasite over Spooned, as Stealths weakness is smaller ICE spam. Saves influence.

  • Utopia Shard + 1x Plascrete barely covers your flatline protection, but Utopia has added utility over the second Carapace.

  • No Gene Shoppe, as paying 2 to use Visage twice is hardly worth the slot or 2 credits.

  • Visage over ProCo because !NEW CARDS!

  • Could add 3 Diesel and piss off the 45 card clausers.

6 Apr 2015 FarCryFromHuman

As much as I like !NEW CARDS! I'm not sure 3 savings is enough to justify Symmetrical Visage over the multi-clickable Professional Contacts. My little boy soul wants to believe... but my wise beard stroke is telling me no.

6 Apr 2015 hi_impact

Yea, I was pondering the same thing. The deck has zero draw events, so I will probably find myself using the click+credit multiple times a turn.

I'm going to try Visage first for a few games before I scrap it. Looks like this may be a case where ProCo is actually better than Visage!

6 Apr 2015 FarCryFromHuman

I'd argue that in Shaper, Professional Contacts is always better than Symmetrical Visage unless you are running Gene Conditioning Shoppe and some other genetics you are getting value out of -- at which point ProCo breaks even anyway -- and then you are looking at a combo deck. I really like the look of the new Starlight Crusade Funding/Wyldside/Qianju PT + Adjusted Chronotype decks but consistency is what pushes a deck to tier 1, not combos. If you can make your combos consistent, well then you are cooking with fire, but that's often a pipe dream in my experience.

6 Apr 2015 Bigguyforyou518

Starlight Crusade Funding is definitely combo jank, but I'm not sure I'd put Symmetrical Visage in the same boat. As a resource without a downside, you can drop it and immediately and start benefiting from it - no need to waste hand or memory space (Au Revoir hooooooo) waiting for it to "come online".

And as someone who loves Professional Contacts dearly, I hate the tempo loss it creates. And I'd say I use it once or twice a turn pretty evenly, very rarely three times a turn, and almost never 4 times a turn (unless I just blew myself up on a Snare! or something).

7 Apr 2015 FarCryFromHuman

@Bigguyforyou518 That's a really good point. I think Symmetrical Visage + Gene Conditioning Shoppe is probably superior to Professional Contacts in many cases. I think the hangup I'm having here is that I pretty much only play ProCo in decks that need to consistently draw instead of burst draw, so using it twice a turn is really common for me. I rarely click it once a turn, and 3+ only when I've taken damage.

It's precisely because I feel I need the ability to do use it twice, and therefore need a Gene Conditioning Shoppe out, that I think ProCo is the better choice in most decks. If you are running more genetics, you are going to want to pull your GCS anyway, so that cost is mitigated a bit.

Maybe for a lot of decks the answer is 2x Symmetrical Visage and 1x Professional Contacts.