Take Them Down Hard GNK Start up

Cucin 244

I have won only 2 matches from 4 in our small GNK tournament in start up format but my 2 loses were just technically lost. One due to time up when runner have just scored only one three pointer agenda but game was very open and second lost was when I have installed Tranquility grid with Cayambe grid in same server lol Covid situation and lots of playing on jnet last year with no real game playing can lead to such basic beginner mistake. On jnet I have lost just one game till now with this deck so I think this deck is really strong, mainly in these meta. It should be played like glacier style, just let runner run through your expensive ices and let him lost his money. Then score your agenda or let him steal it and kill him with Punitive counterstrike. Reverse account really fit in this deck and ID itselves cause you gain even 2 credit for advancing that nasty card. What a great deal. You have to score 3 agendas but runner has to steal also 3 of them. And trust me it´s too hard for him to do it. Yours Spin doctors let you hide your agendas even in archives so hardly ever you are in situation with full hand of agenda. Wall to wall are great tools for your game plan together with Akhet and you can put advanced token even on your Winchester or Tollbooth. Cayambe grid is also good tool to drain runner from money or slow him down. And Pharos heh, best ice in start up format, so 3 of them in deck are must have. Just put them somewhere and let Send a message to steal is also not bad idea at all for your future plans. Overall I think it´s very hard for runner to beat this deck. But of course best way for you to win is in early game or middle. In long game with 3 Rezzeki on table I think even this deck can lost easily. Maybe second copy of Trick of light would be considered.

Anyway thanks to all my colleagues for playing. The best moment was not my second place in tournament but enjoying the game face to face. Thanks all for coming and having fun from our best table game.See you next time mates.