Lubo Theory

krystman 2837

Slightly modified deck I got from a successful player at the Chronos Tour. Basically you card draw quickly through your entire deck and Levy AR Lab Access to have a second round. Install Prepaid VoicePADs / Breakers / Plascretes as you go.

Half of the deck are events so as you accumulate VoicePADs, you start getting ridiculously good economy (Sure Gamble = 7 credits). Re-use the events that hurt the Corp the moist with Same Old Thing.

There are only 3 breakers but they are the most efficient breakers in the game. No tricks to get through ice. Just excellent economy + efficient breakers.

Use Infiltration to avoid wasting your time and money on wild goose chases. Use Maker's Eye and Indexing to dig deep into R&D.

Use Account Siphon to keep the Corp poor, Use Lawyer Up to offset the drawbacks of Account Siphon and keep drawing.

Use Chakana to stop Fast Advance.

Very straight-forward and surprisingly effective deck. Can take a few turns to get started. Dominates mid- to late-game.

4 Jun 2014 Musclewizard

Half your deck might be events but only 13 of them actually cost credits. I'm not sure if you really get your moneys worth with those PADs. Considering the click to install them you need 3 events per PAD for them to pay off.
I guess there might be more if you cout Same Old Thing but I think I'd rather use that for more siphon though.
Personally I would maybe drop the PADs for a Fem and a Test Run or something like that.

14 Jun 2014 krystman

Musclewizard - I get far more than 3 events per PAD. It's a 40-card deck and full of card draw. I get to use Levy AR Lab pretty much every turn. I saw people use similar decks and actually drop the siphon for Lucky Find. With PADs They get almost the same kind of money, do not require to run and do not produce tags.

14 Jun 2014 krystman

*turn = game

15 Jun 2014 Musclewizard

Alright, I guess that makes sense.

7 Dec 2014 mythbuilder

Hi, huge fan of your Netrunner videos on Teamworkcast. Below are links to videos of some games being played with this deck, should give people an idea of how to play it:

(vs. GRNDL)

(vs. Core Weyland)

(vs. Core NBN)