QCo is Friday Chip

Snake Eyes 4651

This is just some future speculation/brewing. C&C welcomed. The deck wants to Imp everything. Aumakua was a tempting include for Friday Chip, but in all reality this deck is just going to trash everything and try to get 3 imps up, so the only way the turtle would get counters is probably through Friday Chip. Extra Trashes come from Edward Kim: Humanity's Hammer's ability and the occasional Gang Sign hit. Gravedigger. Hacktivist Meeting and Bhagat don't seem to trigger Friday Chip since it is the corp being forced to trash stuff rather than you doing the trashing - but neither-the-less getting extra trashes in helps for the disruptive strategy/hand-wiping/Mill style. We're probably short a few money cards, but the deck doesn't seem like it needs loads of cash to operate.

Chakana would be a fun include to mess with Fast Advance a little bit. That and maybe Aumakua seem like the only out of faction includes that are Viruses that would be worthwhile here.

I considered running Maw in this deck, but because of all the trash effect stuff, the likelihood of getting Maw to trigger is pretty low. Since it's running Progenitor, the lower provided by Turntable isn't a big deal, whereas getting the console out for cheap and having a reasonably strong console in a world where people are playing both 3 point and 1 or 0 point agendas in the same deck again seems like a decent choice.

Deck might be shy a few money cards, getting Dirty Laundry in or something wouldn't be unreasonable.

A single Archives Interface might be ok to remove threats from Archives like Breached Dome or Cyberdex Virus Suite, or just things that you don't want the corp to be able to Preemptive Action back into the game.

Image is of the official spoiler posted on the FFG page: https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2017/9/11/sovereign-sight/


27 Oct 2017 Boot

@Snake Eyes - Nice to see someone else playing around with the same Imp/Friday Chip/Eddie combo that's been bouncing around my brain since Friday Chip got revealed!

One thing you may wish to consider, if you haven't already, is that Friday Chip is triggered when you use cutlery to trash ice. While Eddie, Imp, and Friday Chip alone are enough to put some serious hurt on asset spam and ops based (i.e., most FA/combo) decks, the addition of cutlery to the mix means that (i) you get more ways to get tokens for Imp after a purge, and (ii) a glacier deck's ice is now vulnerable to destruction even if it's installed and rezzed. Imp and Friday Chip take care of any ice you access in HQ and R&D.

You may also want to consider using Gauntlet as your console since it will give you the opportunity to trash even more stuff per HQ run and it gives you needed MU. A Corp will be hard pressed to make progress when they're losing 2 or more cards per HQ run.

All of that being said, I think the biggest issue with this potential deck archetype is the lack of draw. Inject is out of the question since we do not have any recursion and do not want to trash our Imps. Frantic Coding + Paige Piper is an option, but that's an awful lot of deck slots, particularly if you're already making room for cutlery. I'm considering using Professional Contacts to round out Earthrise and IHW, but it's still very much up in the air.


27 Oct 2017 Snake Eyes

I agree about Cutlery, being able to destroy everything regardless of where it is on the board definitely seems like something this archetype wants.

The Gauntlet is a worthy console here - Anarch in it's current state doesn't really have any multiaccess options outside of Counter Surveillance IIRC, so having an influence-lite option out of faction is nice. Proginerator kind of takes care of the MU requirements while giving you a little purge protection, but with Gauntlet you can get a more versatile deck imo.

For Draw I agree as well, 3x Earthrise and 3x IHW is a little on the light side. I recently had two thoughts about it though - taking Inject wouldn't be totally insane if we added in Test Run or Scavenge. I like Test Run a little better since it gets to act as a tutor for anything, and you'll get to reinstall the Imp the next turn to save a token if tokens are in short supply... Just adding the Test Runs might be all that you need here though, and would make adding in tools like D4V1D pretty easy. Dropping the Gangsign is an easy solution for the influence. Caldara is probably needed against the net death archetype, and career fair is good economy with all the resources in the deck. Turning Wheel I could take or leave, I could see going with a Maker's Eye and a few Same Old Things to either recur RnD Multi-Access and/or cultery .

The other thought for draw was 2x Symmetrical Visage. Going with that over ProCo and just aiming to get one extra draw a turn would shave some influence and be an easier install cost.

27 Oct 2017 Snake Eyes

@Boot just popped this one out: netrunnerdb.com

Seems a little faster in my random draws through the Card draw simulator feature on netrunnerdb.