Deep Diving Padma 2.0

Reverse 47

This is the evolution of my attempt to make a deck that would set up a super-turn and then win via Khusyuk and 2xDeep Dives in one turn. That was a silly idea (although it's still in the DNA of the deck!).

In short, Environmental Testing was too unwieldy. Upya, even though I love having a card that everyone frowns at and has to read, is a bit too involved, and PPVP doesn't really end up being a huge net positive. Also, Mayfly, Flame-out turned out to be a match made in heaven, Trick Shot is just a good card, and Bahia Bands helps us speed up.

I've kept one Khusyuk in the deck because I love it, and it can even be activated on 1.

The deck has performed better than the previous version, although it's still not really a winner. But it's fun and sometimes it does well!

The plan

The main plan is: try to set up a super-turn, where we run all central servers and gain 2-3 from Pichação and Swift (3 if we relocate Pichação with Simulchip and thus pass it twice), and then play 1-2 Deep Dive to try to get as many points as possible.

Hopefully either before that or even during those runs, we'll snatch an agenda or two so that after the super-turn we'll have 7. The super-turn has a really good chance of stealing at least 2 agendas (see the previous write up for maths, graphs and code), which has a good chance of being 4-5 points. So it's not unlikely to win with those points plus a stray agenda. Also, if the run event is a good 4-5 card Khusyuk, then that has a good chance to result in an agenda, and also shuffles, paving the way for the Dives!

Alternatively, if that seems impossible, our rig is probably good enough to pivot to regular Netrunner and try to deny them the win via normal things like running the remote.

Special mentions

  • Flame-out is low-key a really good card for this kind of deck. It works well with Mayfly, it can save 2 on SMC, it can even hold one of our main breakers if we think we're about to win! The only caveat is: if used for Self-modifying Code, don't install the tutored program on Flame-Out, as it will be trashed at the end of the turn even if it wasn't used!
  • Bravado can be substituted by an S-Dobrado or Inside Job.
  • T400 Memory Diamond may seem like a dead card, and it's a bit of a remnant from the time the deck was a lot more Khusyuk-based, but it's actually quite good against kill decks, and also provides some much-needed for all of our programs (don't forget that Mayfly is 2!).


We don't do well against decks that steal clicks (looking at you Ikawah Project), or do damage when we steal, as that damage might hit the Dives. Against the former, we can't rely on the super-turn to give us that many points, but it can definitely steal us one-two good agendas. Against the latter, we'll have to play conservatively and steal slowly.


Okay, I've obsessed about this deck for some time now, at this stage I'm feeling comfortable enough to leave it as is. Hope it brings someone joy!