Selective Mind-Blowing [Enhanced]

Dydra 2817

After bouncing a few ideas on the previous iteration, I think this is landing it much closer to the target. Dropped the Snare! + Scorch + Kitsune, for Biotics.

Added Subliminal Messaging and Shocks (for archive protection) so you put the runner in the odd situation where he either lets you get Subliminal each turn, or gets pinged with Neural EMP/Shock for running.

Did a bunch of sim draws and never got an opening hand that I wouldn't want to keep, or couldn't play. That's generally a very good sign.

What's left is to figure out wetter to put in some more serious trap to use the Mushin advances and go -1 Hokusai or -1 Data mine or something and get a 2nd Psychic Field.