Chameleon Kate

saetzero 2589

Latest version of my eternal love affair with Chameleon Kate.

Latest tournament was NYC Regionals, where I went 8-4 on the day (10th out of 67?) , going 4-2 with this Kate list.

I cut a lot of the safety net and silver bullet cards deeming them mostly unneeded. If you want to change some tech cards, feel free.

Things to cut first to add tech cards...

1x Hyperdriver 2x Paricia 1x Film Critic 1x Same Old Thing 1x Scheherazade (ONLY for a Pol. Operative, and I HIGHLY don't recommend this) 1x Clot (ONLY for a Legwork, and I HIGHLY don't recommend this)

Tech cards to consider...

Councilman x1 RD Interface x1 (Or 2x RDI and 2x Indexing is fine too) Net Shield x1 or Deus Ex x1 Plascrete x1 or Sports Hopper x1 Atman x1 or Brahman x1 Earthrise Hotel x1 Technical Writers (replacing Daily Casts)

This is a complicated deck. I tried to talk people into playing it forever. First version of this list I ever made was July 2015 XD.

@bblum did well with this in SC season. I consistantly do above average with this deck. I think it can handle almost any meta deck and it has the tools to win everything.

And is a blast to play.

Rather than write a big thing on how to play this (I did that already on Team Covenant for an old version of the deck... you can see @bblum's list 'The Bahram Special' here on NRDB too for some discussion) I'll just extend an offer.

If you wanna learn this list, ask any questions you want, I will answer them all.

Reddit - saetzero Stimhack forums - bahram - saetzero

or just comment here, and I will get back to you.

Promise <3.

chameleons :chamillionaire:

7 Jun 2016 Kathan

Why not replace Aesops and Cache for another econ cards? I see any more usefulness in aesops, besides 1 david... One.

8 Jun 2016 saetzero

I aesop's a lot of things based on board evaluation, and Scheh + Cache is 7 bucks per. Clone chips turn into 7 dollar bursts.

I think you cooooould. But it would weaken the explosiveness of the list. And I not sure what you would do with the influence you would free.

I would want Lucky Find if I wasnt on Aesops Cache... and thats 6 influence for the set.

I dunno if it can be improved by cutting such a strong econ engine.

8 Jun 2016 mifu

How early do you want to put down the Scheherezade? Is it worth taking a mulligan for it or tutoring with SMC?

8 Jun 2016 b3ar

Thanks for posting your current list. Have been playing this recently and I'm really enjoying it. It's not easy to play, but I think it improves my skills. I'm afraid of dropping Atman since it has been useful a couple games, but going to try it.

8 Jun 2016 saetzero


I get it usually as early as I can afford to, without giving the corp a window from using my SMC to go get it.

So like... if I got a PW, with a chameleon on it, and a Clone chip and SMC on the board... I'll prob go get Scheh, since I dont forfeit my board state to establish it. I have enough tools to make a move if the Corp made a move the turn after i get Scheh... so its a good time to go get it.

Much harder to judge when Clot is relevant.


I havent played the atman and actually made real use of it in over 2 months. Brahmin i got marginal use of, but i decided the limited use i got from them... compared to the overall goodness of a 2nd hyperdriver... i choose the hyperdriver. I was never missing the Atman or Brahmin all day at NYC, and I never used the Brahmin i had all day at Philly regionals.

Atman is a safety net card, and really there almost entirely for Blue Sun and Little Engine. (and Susanoo but that never sees play anymore)

Cut the 2nd Hyper and add Atman or Brahmin back in if you expect to see a reasonable amount of Little Engine or Blue Sun.

10 Jun 2016 SneakdoorMelb

Big fan of this list, lets you do some HIGH LEVEL Shaper bullshit, which I absolutely love. One thing I always struggled with in testing was a lack of draw - would you consider cutting anything for a Quality Time or has this not really been an issue for you?

10 Jun 2016 saetzero

@SneakdoorMelb 3x diesel, 2x hyperdriver, and i naturally click to draw a lot... and between SMC and CC to find breakers... with the rest being a rolling pile of strength

nah, i dont find much of a draw issue.

but i do click to draw a lot. i just dont think its an issue. most my setup turns are draw 2 play 2. (or load onto PW)

personally, i hate quality time. 3 dollars for 2 more cards than diesel never appealed to me. but yes, you could add it in.

better add IMO is earthrise hotel or sports hopper

hopper = draw if you need it, plus scorch protection, plus gets around genetics pavillion, plus can just be on the PW and become a diesel eventually.

earthrise = 4 dollars for 6 cards, if you DESPERATELY need all 6.... plus at 2 cards a turn, you will rarely discard any of them so you get a couple value turns... plus you can aesops it at 1 counter to turn it into 1 dollar for 4 cards (very good ratio imo)

i have run both of those in the past. i would recommend either over QT personally.

dont be afraid to just SMC a hyperdriver though to set up faster. if i see my hand and know i will not desperately need the SMC, i usually get hyperdriver or my scheherzade nice and early.

11 Jun 2016 Aesynil

How do you find it fairs against Salem's hospitality? That's my fear with Chameleon these days :(

24 Jun 2016 PaxCecilia

Hey man, been playing this deck for a few weeks, right now I'm sitting at mostly the same deck list, trying out -1 Film Critic, -1 Paricia and +1 "Freedom Through Equality", +1 Sports Hopper. Was working well for a few weeks in my local meta. Unfortunately, due to our regionals winner there has been an emormous swing towards Little Engine, and with Fear The Masses released I'm also staring Navi Mumbai City Grid in the face.

Totally locked out of scoring remote, relying on just Indexing to save me... until they put another Little Engine out. And then I just lose.

So how the hell do I salvage this? I was thinking I could try to fit in a Net-Ready Eyes but that means I'd have to have all 3 LLDS Processor in play as well, which I've only accomplished once, in addition to NRE. I was also thinking I could just try to fit a Cyber-Cypher in place of my single Paricia, but that could hose me really bad against wide decks.

Any thoughts? Or should I shelf the deck and try out something new with Study Guide? :P

8 Jul 2016 Snake Eyes

This looks like a great deck.

Have you considered putting it in Hayley?

8 Jul 2016 bblum

Would you consider a minimal scorch package?

9 Aug 2016 b3ar

How does your deck look post MWL 1.1?

11 Aug 2016 saetzero

@Aesynil - Keep the Chameleons on the PW... then they aren't in hand to get Salem'd. If you be careful to rotate them on the PW a lot, its hard to snipe more than 1 or 2. Just be more careful about burning CC's if you are worried about it. You can also consider 1x Test Run (good for David too)


I love freedom. What a great card. Adding a Polop is big now, between Navi Mumbai and Sandburg. Much more needed than before. See my notes at the end of this comment for tech card choices I would swap around. As for other weird ice... Atman x1 is always good. My meta never forced me to need it, but its an option.. as is Cyber Cypher. I ran Atman when Blue Sun was big. Just install it on the Corps turn, so the LLDS bonus dies off for your turn.

@Snake Eyes

Booooo. :P


Scorch is for simple players. I am anything but! :P


There are choices. Polop is more needed than ever.. and David went up an influence. So Legwork is the loss... or Clot. Your Choice.

Asset spam is still good, so keeping at least 1 paricia is still strong.

I still dont care about NBN kill (yet, we'll see when Boom drops) so I dont run protection now either.

Freedom through Equality is amazing and a half. Best include I added to the deck.

So... you wanna free up 2 influence so you can keep david... and add a Polop.

If you pick Legwork - Also lose a SOT and a Paricia, add in a Polop and a Freedom.

If you pick Clot - Also lose both paricias, and add a Polop, a Freedom, and a anti Glacier tech card.

Beth is looking to be a great include for the list, but I need to revisit the list. I been working on a Paperclip Exile deck where da Clip is your entire economy engine. I'll be writing a big thing for that soon. Get your buns ready. :D