Quetzal Yog.0saurus

hilreeee 85

Quetzal is already Blue Sun's worst nightmare, but add in Yog.0 hosted on a Dinosaurus, and an e3 Feedback Implants fueled D4v1d (which even more importantly is there to supplement Quetzals ability) and you've got the cheapest rig against any ice out there. Be prepared to spend no more than 3 for a Tollbooth, Wotan, Curtain Wall, Archer, and Hadrian's Wall; and no need to worry about Lotus Field. I will admit, strength 4 sentries are a pain, so getting a Datasucker out early is nice. The economy in here is insane and always lasts me into the late game, also Anarch's lack of tutoring issues are mostly solved with Inject/Retrieval Run, Earthrise Hotel, and Express Delivery so you should be able to get everything set up relatively quickly. The single Legwork and The Maker's Eye paired with two Same Old Thing's is actually just enough multiaccess for this deck. Swiping agendas out of servers is a piece of cake, so after you've gotten a couple, going in for a big HQ or R&D run is what usually takes the game, for me. My one complaint: Zero Parasites can be rough... (i.e.: pesky Dataravens)

20 Mar 2015 Oisin

Looks cool--but I imagine space ice decks must be a tricky match up. You not only need to have Yog on a Dino, but you also need to have at least 2 datasucker tokens to avoid the Wormhole.

20 Mar 2015 hilreeee

`@Oisin Space Ice isn't a problem at all. Actually, the higher the strength the better. It will cost you 0with D4v1d.

20 Mar 2015 hilreeee
