Red Queen's Master Key

CodeMarvelous 20021

Fast Fast. Looking for feedback

29 Jan 2014 x3r0h0ur

This looks exactly like my whizz deck (which is basically peekay's), after keyhole got released and i tried to fit it in. This is 100% how i'd run it, with maybe 2 knights and 1 medium. medium+keyhole=1-2 punch.

29 Jan 2014 Diegofsv

I'm playing a really similar version. I changed Grimorie for Spinal Modem and removed a DS for a Medium

29 Jan 2014 skydivingninja

Why include medium if you're going to be running with Keyhole? Medium won't let you access cards when you run with Keyhole. Or is it because its just generally a good program to have?

29 Jan 2014 skydivingninja

Why include medium if you're going to be running with Keyhole? Medium won't let you access cards when you run with Keyhole. Or is it because its just generally a good program to have?

29 Jan 2014 invictus_blue

^The successful Keyhole runs build up Medium tokens, and it shuffles after each Keyhole run. So, run with Keyhole as much as possible, then hit a new set of cards with a charged-up medium!

29 Jan 2014 JWHamner

Medium does combo with Keyhole, but keep in mind that having them both installed is investing 7 credits and 2 MU in R&D pressure. Personally I would swap the Liberated for Dirty Laundry. I know there are fans of Liberated here, but I find it to be too big of a temp hit to install and Dirty Laundry works wonderfully with Datasuckers.

29 Jan 2014 PeekaySK

Personally I would swap the Liberated for Dirty Laundry. I know there are fans of Liberated here, but I find it to be too big of a temp hit to install and Dirty Laundry works wonderfully with Datasuckers.

This is a frequent opinion, and is in my mind a fundamental misunderstanding of how Anarch works, as a faction. You see, with Anarchs you don't have a problem getting in once you can get in. What usually stops you is being too short on credits to actually install all that stuff that you need in order to get in. For that, Dirty Laundry simply doesn't help, as it requires you to get in first (free runs on Archives don't really happen all that often for Anarchs, especially now that Shock is out). Liberated Account, on the other hand, covers this weakness very well, and also has particularly good synergy with viruses - as it turns every "free turn" you get from virus purges into a huge cash stack.

29 Jan 2014 PeekaySK

I think the best use of Keyhole is a sort of on-demand Demo Run, to reset RnD after a deep medium dig turns up nothing. For that, naturally, you need Medium :D

29 Jan 2014 x3r0h0ur

Spending 7 credits and THREE MU towards R&D pressure is NOT a big deal. You NEED R&D pressure, there is no such thing as TOO MUCH R&D pressure (unless you're against jinteki, but even then...). Keyhole and medium work TOGETHER to freshen up the deep digs, just alternate.

Liberated accounts, if played correctly, is almost no tempo hit, its similar to a melange, you install and take take take. This should only be done when you can afford the turn to make 6 credits and 4 more later for 1 click. You don't HAVE to play liberated at any time, no one is making you. But in every game the ebb and flow allow for you to play it EVENTUALLY. That is why it is good.

29 Jan 2014 JWHamner

There definitely is such a thing as "too much R&D pressure" or else we would all be packing 3 RDIs, 3 Mediums, and 3x Makers Eye. I'm not saying you shouldn't run Medium with Keyhole... i do... but there aren't going to be many games where you have the MU and the cash to get both out and a breaker suite, so the synergy will be largely moot.

Reina needs to run to get the advantage of her ability, not clicking on Armitage so she can click on Liberated... Dirty Laundry is simply a much better card for her. Especially since this version is running Datasuckers. Vastly more efficient.

29 Jan 2014 JWHamner

Another point against Liberated Accounts in this deck is that Account Siphon is at it's most OP when you go Tag Me... which you should probably be doing against everybody except Weyland and sometimes NBN. I still like Armitage when you go Tag Me since you can still install and get some money off of it and dare them to spend 2 credits and a click trashing something you spend a credit installing.

30 Jan 2014 PeekaySK

Reina needs to run to get the advantage of her ability, not clicking on Armitage so she can click on Liberated... Dirty Laundry is simply a much better card for her.

That's what I thought initially, too. After playing about a dozen games with my deck, I swapped Laundries for Armitage, and the performance improved significantly.

Just play with it, and keep track of how many times you're in an economic hole with a useless Dirty Laundry sitting in your hand, where Armitage would have gotten you online in the same turn.

Also, I'm suspecting that Dirty Laundry is a bit anti-synergistic with Reina simply because in order to truly take advantage of her ability, you need to run on ICE you want to rez, but have no problem bouncing off of. On those runs you don't want to be doing teh laundry, and those are the ones you would want to be "moneying up" with.

Another point against Liberated Accounts in this deck is that Account Siphon is at it's most OP when you go Tag Me...

Yes. And that is precisely the moment where Liberated Account shines most.

(I wrote a bit about that here - - last paragraph of the original deck strategy section)

30 Jan 2014 wilk

This looks very similar to my Whizzard build which I posted here (no Nerve Agents, and Lawyer-Ups instead of QTs, but the overall idea remains the same) - I have got to try it with Reina. :)

30 Jan 2014 Dottore2k

One Qustion: Why playing Reina over Noise?

30 Jan 2014 apo

This build looks really solid. I assume the aim is to go tag-me without second thoughts.

Question: how do you play around Closed Accounts? Using Liberated and Armitage in a tag-me environment is actually not that cool - install, 3xtake, get closed accounted... Those sad experiences made me go for Lawyer Ups in my buid.

30 Jan 2014 CodeMarvelous

I am considering lawyer up but want more universal utility so quality time

30 Jan 2014 JWHamner

If I have 6 credits, I can already do things. You can install programs and you can break into servers. Spending a turn going from 6->12 credits strikes me as a very marginal play when your highest install cost is 5 credits. Dirty Laundry takes me from 2->5 where now I can Sure Gamble and am in a much more threatening position from the use of 1 click and a card. Liberated Accounts is simply a dead card in your hand more often then it is genuinely useful. Personally, every single time I've played with it I've wished it was a Dirty Laundry, which is why it won't find a space in my deck.

And of course you Dirty Laundry into unrezzed ICE... that is what Knight is for (besides making sure your Account Siphons hit).

30 Jan 2014 PeekaySK

Dirty Laundry takes me from 2->5 where now I can Sure Gamble and am in a much more threatening position

No, it doesn't - you need to have 2+ cost of the run to succeed, so from 0 credits you'll always need a whole turn of clicking for creds to get going again. The only time when this doesn't hold is when you're doing an "empty run" on an unprotected server (or a single Enigma or something), that will always be more than 1. That threatening position is only achievable if the corp left you such an opening (i.e. it's on their terms, not yours). That makes it... less than completely reliable.

And of course you Dirty Laundry into unrezzed ICE... that is what Knight is for (besides making sure your Account Siphons hit).

...which means you're not Dirty Laundrying to get money (and especially not to get from 2 credits to 5), but to use it as a riskier FAO. That's completely fine, mind you, it just isn't really an econ card then.

30 Jan 2014 Dottore2k

I dont understand why it is such a strict descision. Instead of using 3x this and 0x that, I would use 2x this and 1x that. Has the advantage your opponent will hardly guess what your build is made of. Better, to conceal your build, is the use of deja vu to or same old thing just to play what has an advantage. Yeah, I know flexibility is the opponent of effectifity, but it can be a great disadvantege if you can be calculated out to easyly.

30 Jan 2014 kranse

I like it - it looks kinda similar to mine but with a tag-me approach and account siphons. I disagree with everyone suggesting medium - one of keyhole's strengths is that it doesn't R&D lock. This causes agendas to pile up in HQ and forces the corp to defend all 3 centrals, which works to Reina's advantage.

30 Jan 2014 Anima

My experience with Keyhole and Siphon suggests that the corp will want to defend all 3 centrals, regardless of medium's presence. With medium present, on the other hand, you give yourself a way to ignore Jackson's interference, access multiple agendas as a game closer after using Keyhole to charge medium, and make the corp more strongly consider using up a full turn to clear your medium. My feeling is that the only reason I wouldn't run both at once was if I couldn't afford the MU or the installation cost.

31 Jan 2014 apo

Since this deck probably heavily recurs parasites, this question

Dottore2k: One Qustion: Why playing Reina over Noise?

is pretty valid. I think this particular deck will be even better when Reina gets swapped out for Noise. Corp will need to use Jacksons to save both virus and Keyhole mills. This could be to much to handle.

31 Jan 2014 Diegofsv

The truth is...there is not that much virus for it to work. Yeah you have some, but you will mill something like 6 / 7 cards during the whole game? Maybe 10. Reina is better for early aggression and to resist traces. The only change I made here is Lawyer up instead of quality time, and a single Imp for a Datasucker.

31 Jan 2014 JWHamner

The truth is...there is not that much virus for it to work. Yeah you have some, but you will mill something like 6 / 7 cards during the whole game? Maybe 10.

Which could force a use of Jackson Howard or two, thus making the corp more vulnerable to Keyhole (and vice versa). Reina may be better here, I can't be sure without testing... but it's not like this is a real denial style deck with Xanadu and Rook.

31 Jan 2014 Diegofsv

You are right, you can use Noise too. I just think that this will force the Corp to shutdown your access to archives way faster. But it will sure work too....

2 Feb 2014 Nushura

I am surprised that there is a lot of discussion of Liberated vs Dirty Laundry, but no one suggested to use Daily Casts instead of Armitage. May I ask why so? Because you plan to go tag-me mode?

2 Feb 2014 apo

because daily casts is good only in rich decks. in anarch it just makes you broke...

2 Feb 2014 PeekaySK

I am surprised that there is a lot of discussion of Liberated vs Dirty Laundry, but no one suggested to use Daily Casts instead of Armitage.

Because it's a horrible card in decks that don't need to keep a shit-ton of cash on hand to be threatening (read: "Anarch"). It basically means you won't run for the next 2 turns... and all you're getting in exchange is being up 4 credits after 3 turns. Like... wow.

Daily casts becomes usable (though still not great) if you're running Aesop anyway (because then you get 1 more credit and the ultimate payoff happens a turn sooner), without it Armitage is much better.

16 Dec 2014 SlySquid

This deck is going to get a huge bump from O&C, Eaters over Knights and Steelskins... What are you most excited for...?

16 Dec 2014 Diegofsv

I will play this deck....but will use MaxX: Maximum Punk Rock and change some cards.