Adam - The First Runner (v2)

Anubuss 7

DIRECTIVES: Always Be Running, Safety First, and Neutralize All Threats. Alt: Find The Truth, in case of a slow play match up. Replaces Neutralize All Threats.

Part training deck, part avenue of play experiment.

The primary purpose of the deck is Runner skill refinement. But I found I have gotten onto a habit of spending a few turns to focus on economy, then start running. This deck will force me to kick that.

I worry I am missing enough ways to quickly get my peices into play quickly enough. This deck lives or dies based on the starting hand.

Pawnshop should be seeing MKultra or Paperclip 90% of the time, but it also nabs spare change from directives once I draw a replacement, as well as bonus credits from other econemy resources.

Hostage was a good addition to the deck, but it highlighted how useless it is if I draw Pawnshop. I have one other connection in the deck, and it is useless in multiples, and not worth 2 clicks install.

Conversly, I struggle to get breakers on occassion, so I feel like a bit more is needed there.

I would like to try to get this deck up to tournament playable, which is why I turn to the world for updates on how to get there. With this as a starting point, I should be able to learn enough tips and tricks to convert my other casual builds when desired.

18 May 2018 BlackCherries

Is this deck for in-person play? If not, why not use the influence for Hostage on more Aesop's Pawnshop? I assume you only have 1 copy because you only have 1x Core?

18 May 2018 Anubuss

I thought I could only use 1? I own x2 core set, plus all but a few datapacks

I want to get this deck tournament legal so I know without a doubt I am not abusing combos someone newer to the game doesnt have access too.

18 May 2018 HiddenAway

Hi there!

First off, if you need a tournament legal deck for a normal GNK or higher, you'll need to swap out Public Sympathy and Hostage as these have rotated out of the tournament card pool (if the rules state that you can use all cards, even those that have rotated, then that's fine). I would check with the event organisers to see whether rotation is enforced and change accordingly.

Restricted cards force you to use only one card from the restricted list, but you can use as many copies of that card as you want (up to the maximum limit allowed in a deck - in Aesop's case, 3).

I can see that you aren't running any draw cards. Cards such as Earthrise Hotel, Diesel or even Build Script might help here, though the latter depends on what you're missing in terms of packs. Draw cards will help you get through your deck faster and allow you to draw into your breakers quicker.

I'm not sure about the inclusion of Lean and Mean, since it looks like you might be installing more than 3 programs. This will free up an influence point. I can see the point of trashing your own directives for Aesop's money too, though I don't think I would personally add extra copies for that reason.

Also, I'm slightly tempted to add in Armitage Codebusting. It's more economy, and you can even take a full 12 credits off it using Aesop's to trash it when it only has 2 credits left.

I hope this helps you out!

19 May 2018 Anubuss

Ok huge overhaul happening as I make room for all my Pawnshops (3). I will look into switching out Public Sympathy.

Card draw comes from Safety First but some more might not hurt. 1 question, Dirty Laundry vs Sure Gamble, which is better. I am inclind to think Laundry wins, but its risky.

19 May 2018 HiddenAway

Always take Sure Gambles unless you have a VERY good reason to take them out. Dirty Laundry is good if you tie it in with a run and access. It can tend to tail off in it's payout once all servers are protected though.