Suit up for the Big Deal - Red Touch [8th at '23 Swiss Nats]

Virulentz 83

My take on a The Outfit deck, which I took to the Swiss Nationals '23

The idea is a somewhat glaciery approach, scoring some points in the mid game and ending the game unexpectedly quick with either a Regulatory Capture, or a SDS with Big Deal. In case it is not possible to fetch the last agenda from RnD due to a lock via Stargate or similiar, the last out is to fetch a Regulatory via Simulation Reset and score it with Audacity. This would have actually won me my corp game against lostgeeks Turbine Hoshiko, but for some reason I though I could survive another round... Ah well :)

As a conclusion from the games, SDSs paired with Regulatorys are to slow overall. - Don't do it.

Besides that the praise of the day definitely goes to LukeNukem for making us 'foreigners' feel welcome and ensuring everyone had fun, stayed hydrated and had enough food and snacks! Great job well done!