Yellow Deck Wins (Phoenix Comics & Games Custom ID Tourney)

bkirz 2

This was my corp deck for the Phoenix Comics and Games custom ID tournament in Seattle, WA. It uses Freebee Collections, a 45/15 NBN ID with the text "The first time the runner takes any number of tags each turn, gain 2."

The deck is heavily inspired by @jakodrako’s Butcher Shop NEH with a few changes to deal with the lowered influence and to capitalize on the ID’s ability. I replaced a Project Beale with a third Breaking News and a TGTBT. Being able to score Breaking News for free is huge; it means you can run leaner on credits and still pull off a kill with it.

The added economy of the ID ability addresses a fundamental problem with NEH Butcher Shop: once you’ve hit the runner with Midseason Replacements, much of your ICE is effectively blanked. This deck still benefits from its Data Ravens and Gutenbergs after the runner goes tag-me by pulling in 2 a turn. You can use Data Raven tokens to make money on your turn too.

The econ helps the deck threaten scoring out as well. As long as you have the money, you can let NBN Just Win(TM) with Astroscript/SanSan.