What we are looking at is a slightly different version of Rototurret - the main difference comes from it being in Weyland faction, which is hude for some archetypes, and shift in application, from binary to tax.
Given it's strength, it's passable cheaply with most of the popular facecheck breakers (Mimic, Cuj.0, Faerie, Sharpshooter) and it lacks ETR sub, so it won't stop the Runner with or without programs. While the main weakness of Roto is it's low strength, Negotiator gives up it's surprise factor with it's built-in, Bioroid-like failsafe (taxing cash instead of clicks).
While it's HB counterpart is well suited for rush and FA decks as solid remote binary, the Negotiator is the perfect example of porous, taxing ICE, which makes it a dedicated central guardian. For some Weyland archetypes it is huge in terms of influence, but for other factions it is mostly the matter of choice between fast (Rototurret) or prolonged (Negotiator) game strategy.