Costing the runner tempo, disrupting their plans, and gaining information.
Trashing cards for grind based decks like Potential Unleashed.
Creating scoring windows with shell decks, such as with Project Junebug and Genetics Pavilion.
(Magnum Opus era)
Amani Senai
Influence 4 hurts, and it can be prevented due to the trace, not to mention that you need to protect it and the agenda at the same time. The net tax from beating the trace would be ~4, since any more would require you to spend credits. It would only have utility by opening a scoring window if the runner has less credits than you, and you still have to outspend him.
Apex Predator
Nisei MK II does the same without needing Amani Senai.
Apex Predator
Not every gameplan needs a Nisei token over net damage. Any Jinteki deck that wants to grind you out could gladly use this agenda. Combo it with Mental Health Clinic for maximum damage.
Comparing this to Nisei is kinda pointless cause they do vastly different things in different decks
Thank you for telling me, I now understand how this agenda is supposed to be used. I will edit my original post.
Apex Predator
Still editing
Apex Predator
The trick is of course that you can play both Nisei MK II and viral weaponization. You also play gene splicer en NGO front for the bluffing potential.