Professional Contacts

Professional Contacts 5[credit]

Resource: Connection
Influence: 2

[click]: Gain 1[credit] and draw 1 card.

Sometimes it doesn't matter how expensive your rig is, or how many credits are in your account, or even your skill as a runner. Most of the time, a simple handshake and a name are all you need.
Illustrated by Matt Zeilinger
Decklists with this card

System Core 2019 (sc19)

#58 • English
Startup Card Pool
Standard Card Pool
Standard Ban List (show history)

No rulings yet for this card.


Commonly referred to as: ProCo


  • This provides click compression (multiple benefits from a one click) of cards and credits
    • and more card draw is an especially valuable thing to get in click compression as each new card can help you improve your board position
  • Long-term income source


  • As a high-cost Resource, makes you very vulnerable to being tagged
  • The high install cost can be a tempo hit
  • Needs to be installed early in game for best effect, so you really need 3 copies or tutors for it if you want to play it

Notable interactions

  • As a connection, can be tutored by Hostage
  • Breaking News can be scored from installed but unadvanced, or with SanSan City Grid, to leave you tagged for the single click required to trash this
  • Anti-synergy with the excellent Diesel, since that draws cards without ProCo gaining any credits
  • great with fast-tempo econ cards like Modded, Sure Gamble and Daily Casts that cost only zero or one click to provide their economic gain
  • Anti-synergy with Magnum Opus, since they are both expensive cards that demand a lot of clicks used on them to recoup playing them.
  • Can work nicely with Kati Jones as she only uses one per turn, and this provides trickle credit income while she provides a counter-balance burst income

Final Thoughts

  • a powerful supplemental economic engine for decks that want to draw a lot of cards
    • but make sure you have plenty of other economy because each credit you get from this comes with another card you probably want to play - so if they cost more than 1 you can run out of credits or grip really fast.
(Order and Chaos era)
I don't think it's right to say that Diesel is anti-synergistic with this card. If you have this card in your deck you most likely want to draw it, and Diesel helps with that. Diesel is also not bad after you have this, because spending 1 click for 3 cards might still be situationally better than spending 3 clicks for 3 cards and 3 credits. —