
Mindscaping 2[credit]

Operation: Gray Ops
Influence: 2

Resolve 1 of the following:

  • Gain 4[credit] and draw 2 cards. Add 1 card from HQ to the top of R&D.
  • Do X net damage. X is equal to the number of tags the Runner has, up to 3.

"When you stretch a mind it expands, sometimes until it snaps."
—Adrian Seis
Illustrated by Ferenc Patkós
Decklists with this card

The Automata Initiative (tai)

#45 • English
Startup Card Pool
Standard Card Pool
Standard Ban List (show history)
  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Does the “up to” mean that you can choose to do less net damage than the number of tags the Runner has?

    No, the Corp must do X damage. “Up to” is a limit on how large X can be.

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    If the Runner has no tags, can the Corp play Mindscaping and choose to deal 0 damage?

    Yes. In order to play a card, it must have the potential to change the game state, and the option of choosing to draw cards and gain credits meets this requirement. However, players are not required to choose a mode that actually changes the game state.


Mindscaping, aka. “Jinteki-Level Clearance”, aka. “Low-Profile Target”.

For example, if the Runner floated a pair of tags (such as from Phoneutria and Snare!, or from their own Eru Ayase-Pessoa and Hannah "Wheels" Pilintra), Mindscaping will Do 2 net damage. However, even if they've floated infinite tags (such as for Counter Surveillance), you'll still need two Mindscaping to flatline them (Do 3 net damage. Do 2 net damage.).

Otherwise, Mindscaping can simply net +$2 and “+0c” (nb. most cards net -1 card when played), with some selection and manipulation. For example, you can en-Snare! R&D. Or you can just top an agenda from HQ (if R&D is better protected, or if you have a shuffling effect, or so on). You can top an (untrashable) ice to shield against R&D breaches (or to slow down multiaccess, milling, and so on).

Design: I love the loosening and spreading out of tag-punishment. Mindscaping is tag-scaling (punishing “float two” more than “float one”), but proportionate (1 damage-per-tag) and upper-bounded (to 3 tags). Mindscaping:

  • is tag-scaling (punishing “float two” more than “float one”), but proportionate (1 damage-per-tag) and upper-bounded (to 3 tags).
  • has a “hedge mode” (an unconditional, but small, effect) and “hate mode” (a large, but conditional, effect).

I also like Jinteki's heritage/sermon effects (ie. Draw X cards. Add 1 card from HQ to the top of R&D.), both the decision making (“What should I put back?”) and the mind games (“What will the Runner think I put back?”).

With Mindscaping, a Jinteki Corp can punish a tagged Runner without splashing (End of the Line, et cetera); cf. Hypoxia.



Flavor: The more Jinteki knows about you, more they can “landscape” your mind, into a flatlineable neuro-topiary (like Caprice Nisei with her bonsai tree).

(The Automata Initiative era)

Jinteki has two ices, one asset and one agenda that can tag the runner. Which means the if you intended to use the second clause of the card, you'll need either to import cards from other factions, or to use this card out of faction.

Otherwise, it is equivalent to use Red Level Clearance with no option but with the ability to put something on the top of R&D. That part slows you down, but can also make the runner wary of running R&D.

Otherwise, this combine well with tag storm decks (Oppo Research, etc.) and will allow you to do 5 damages, if played along End of the Line and Public Trail.

Art, quote and name go fairly well all together, making the card easily recognizable, thanks to the gray person in the center. Well done!

(Rebellion Without Rehearsal era)