Virtual Service Agent

Virtual Service Agent 2[credit]

Ice: Code Gate - Observer
Strength: 2
Influence: 2

Whenever the Runner passes this ice after encountering it, if they did not break its printed subroutine with a decoder during that encounter, give them 1 tag.

[subroutine] The Runner loses 1[credit].

"No one has ever told me to get lost so politely."
—Arissana Rocha Nahu
Illustrated by Bruno Balixa
Decklists with this card

The Automata Initiative (tai)

#54 • English
Startup Card Pool
Standard Card Pool
Standard Ban List (show history)
  • Updated 2023-10-04

    If the Runner bypasses Virtual Service Agent, do they take a tag?

    Yes. Bypassing ice causes the Runner to pass it.

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    If the Runner uses Tsakhia "Bankhar" Gantulga to make the corp resolve “Do 1 net damage” instead of Virtual Service Agent’s printed subroutine, does the Runner take a tag?“

    Yes. The Runner did not break the subroutine using a decoder.

  • Updated 2023-10-10

    If the runner passes a piece of ice after fully breaking it, and uses Inversificator to swap it to another position, can "when the runner passes this ice" abilities on that ice still resolve?



Virtual Service Agent is an “anti-non-decodercode gate, as Wraparound is an “anti-non-fracterbarrier (both being cheap NBN ice). While the latter just asks you to have some fracter, the former asks you to use (and reuse) the decoder you have. So if you don't keep buzzsawing VSA fair and square, you'll keep taking 1 tag (and losing $1 too).

(The Automata Initiative era)

Why? Why everybody plays this card unstead of authentificator? It dont have pseudo etr. It cost 1 to break after Runner put decoder (instead of 2-3). It is fragile to chisel. It is expensive pop up window, nothing more

Because VSA forces them to take the tag, which can be more valuable depending on the board state. Authenticator always gives the Runner a choice on whether or not to take the tag, so they'll only take it when it's advantageous for them.

VSA is all about reading the meta. If AI breakers (Aumakua, Audrey v2, Matryoshka, etc.) are prevalent, this ice becomes expensive for the runner, mainly because getting rid of the tag take a click.

Otherwise, this is a better version of Authenticator, since on face check, the runner will pay 1, on top of getting a tag.

It is one of the few ice, with Tatu-Bola, Anansi and Phoneutria that punish the runner for bypassing the ice.

If the goal is to give a tag and cost 1 to pass every time, Ping is better.

Not much reason to use this ice out of faction, since you can get Funhouse for the same influence, and Authenticator is only 1 influence.

Everything is good about this ice, from it text, name, quote and art. A job well done.

(Rebellion Without Rehearsal era)