we've found the nest!!!

dezigerator 128

Big econ Apex! Apex often suffers from Endless Hunger being vulnerable to many ICE like IP Block and Hortum... if you try to squeeze in a traditional set of breakers, you just don't have the tools the main factions do to support them before you find the right ones. So, an AI breaker is the simplest, most consistent way to go. Aumakua works well for slow Apex, but takes a lot of clicks to get off the ground and is still vulnerable to being locked out by purges. But this new Matryoshka? It's perfect!!! As soon as you've drawn two copies, it's dangerous, and it just gets more dangerous over the course of the game.

Use Gachapon to trigger Wasteland/Reaver on the opponent's turn; Gachapon also helps you dig for Assimilator if you can't mulligan for it. The faster you can get your Reaver draw engine going, the faster your Matryoshka grows in threat. Prey and Devil Charm can keep ICE from getting thicker than Matryoshka can deal with. Basilar Synthgland 2KVJ can be flipped up or have the core damage canceled by Heartbeat.

Setup is surprisingly fast as long as you can find an Aesop's Pawnshop! Gachapon can dig up all the other pieces of your engine.

Close games with Docklands Pass and eXer central pressure. In long games, flip up Harbinger for infinite hitpoints / Aesop's econ; also consider Rebooting to reinstall & flip Gachapons or eXer.

24 Dec 2022 Council

Why eXer and not Stargate?

Otherwise very cool deck idea

24 Dec 2022 dezigerator

tbh i thought that stargate had rotated haha!! i'll give it a swing with that it'll probably be a lot stronger. thanks!

5 Jan 2023 Diogene

Cool deck!

Why not use WAKE Implant v2A-JRJ instead?

Thanks for sharing!

9 Jan 2023 dezigerator

even better!!! i tried stargate a couple times and the memory meant i couldn't install it without saying goodbye to reaver. WAKE is working well!