Tourney Aggro Adam

somefish 2

published by Tournament link

Directives: ABR, Find the Truth, Neutralize all Threats (Safety First against NBN assets)

Brought this deck to the first 2023 Accelerating the Meta Online tournament. I was hoping I would either win or lose quickly. This would give myself extra time for playing the Corp side and reading cards, since I have never played as Corp in Standard either on Jnet or in paper.

Ended up going 3-1 as Runner and 1-3 as Corp. this was my first Netrunner tournament and I look forward to improving!

Match 1: Won against Jinteki: Personal Evolution. A nail-biter with Stings going both ways. I was really happy about this win as I did not expect to win against Jinteki as Adam. Notably I chose [[Neutralize All Threats]] over [[Safety First]] and went for the rush HQ + R&D lockdown strategy instead of being safer with clickless card draw. This worked out in my favor as I could peek at R&D without needing to access ambushes. Ended up only needing 10 accesses for the win. (I did make a mistake on turn 3 and was vulnerable to Snare)

Match 2: Loss. Chose the Always Be Running directive against AgInfusion. Turns out that results in one large ICE being rezzed and poor Adam running into it every turn. Early loss.

Match 3: Win against Azmari EdTech: Shaping the Future.

Match 4: This was streamed. I was unfamiliar with Drafter and Mr. Hendricks and made a few blunders in letting the upgrade get re-installed from Archives. I also discarded a Mayfly when Tread Lightly was likely the bin choice. Luckily, I believe I was favored in this matchup.


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