Jalapeño Face Store Champion - Clem's Fort Wayne IN

x3r0h0ur 8956

For those in attendance, and looking for a good knight deck....this was the deck I was running that went 4-0 on the day. On the course of the day I took 3 net damage from a snare, 0 meat damage. I had several really close matches that had me sweating and drawing for answers.

Top performers: KNIGHT. Knight is super awesome in Gabe. Emergency shutdown came in second and sneakdoor third pushing lots of economic pressure. Mr. Li might take third, but its hard to gauge his worth, but in Gabe, Mr. Li is king.

Duds: Daily casts. The tempo hit is just too bad for how long it takes to pay off. I think I played 1 all day, and it was insurance against being broke in the future. This stinker is coming back out for armitage or something else. Indexing under performed netting 1 2 pointer, but we'll forgive it.

Decoy was a meta call against power shutdown combo decks since GRNDL is my worst match. I'm putting in blackmail and rejiggering to include same old thing to punish this shit out of GRNDL remotes. I'd like to include HQ interface for NBN and Cerebral Imaging.

Notable plays included getting a Hadrian's to rez, femming a chimera, and then shutting down the hadrians to score a 5/3 which was advanced. Playing double plascrete turn 2 against GRNDL, going to 0 credits.