From the Mouths of Babes

FarCryFromHuman 113

First publish! I'm a brand new player, so I'd love any feedback you all could give me.

General strategy:

Pile up that , Use it to drop big Overminds and use SMC or Test Run to pull the supplemental breakers you need into your hand. Win by sniping agendas. If something goes wrong and you lose your programs, Test Run and Clone Chip are there to help you recover.

Based on the scariest ice your opponent has, put either Gordian Blade, Morning Star, or Garrote on a Dinosaurus and render it all it's copies, and all it's smaller brothers and sisters a non-issue.

The deck has a lot of singletons, partly because there are cards I am not sure of, and partly by design. Late game, when you are really starved for 's, Aesop is there to supplement your econ by recycling Resources and Hardware that you no longer need (eventually I expect you to have more than you could possibly need).


I'm bravely attempting to run without Magnum Opus as I feel it's been an automatic include in all Shaper decks I've put together so far and I want to try something new. As I'm not really sure what will work in its place, I have a smattering of different econ engines. I think the drip from Data Folding looks the most promising so it's the highest copy include.

I've 6 cards total (in a 40 card deck) to recover from program wipe, but I don't have any additional draw and no damage prevention so taking hits is really scary. That said, Your icebreakers are equally scary and come into play with a lot of power. Unfortunately I think this still might leave you running on everything but the server you really need to hit, avoiding that one piece of ice you just can't handle.

Other Thoughts:

After close analysis and lots of indecision, Gordian Blade seems like the best option for a secondary code breaker. I also considered Torch, but it just seemed to expensive to play.

I'd love to work in a Mass Install but I don't think it's impact will really be felt in such a slim deck.

A Data Dealer seems like a nice fit since you may frequently snipe single point agendas, and the extra 's would be sublime.

I looked around but I didn't find anything with a tutor effect for Resources, especially Contacts or Locations. I'd love to be able to pull a Personal Workshop directly into my hand.