A Monkey on a G.O.A.T. on a Cup (3rd at Worlds Showdown)

Baa Ram Wu 2196

Based on: Flippy Sh*t

Monkey on a Goat on a Cup

All Kickflips, all the time... Again! (but better)

I am unhealthily obsessed with this deck currently, and I mainly entered Summer Showdown to get some proof that it rocks like I think it does. It lost 1 very close game across both days taking me to 3rd Place.

Fair WARNING: This is not an easy deck to just pick up and jam.

Changes made since Flippy Sh*t:

  • Breaker Suite: Out goes Cleaver & Buzzsaw, in goes second Propeller and a Unity: Drawing and installing the Cleaver / Buzzsaw felt bad in the early game, choked up MU and couldn't be Aesoped, also no programme apart from Unity costs more than 2c so blind clicking Q-loop for the off turn install is almost always worth it.

  • -1 Turbine +Monkeywrench: Seriously?? They are calling it orange turbine! Turbine less required due to the breaker suite, wrench is mainly here just to stop us getting locked out by barriers (either big ones or 1st ones). It's cheaper to instal, can be pulled with muse, installed with Arissana. and returned with UAV - making it 'better' than Turbine.... right?

  • +1 Aesop's, -1 E. Testing: Testing is insane in this deck... but only really once you are a little set up (pref with some UAV credits), drawing one in the opener feels bad so 2 is the correct number. +1 Aesops to smooth out the econ in its place.

  • -1 SMC: The deck now leans so hard on Trojans that the SMC is not necessary and can be cut for card slots.

  • Wincon: Turbine is out, tricky to tutor, expensive to instal and takes up MU, 2x Deep dive + 1 Picacao is in as a far more effective way to close off almost any matchup..

  • +1 Dj Fenris: SEE BELOW


Always consider the possible choice of DJ - There are 3 likely targets.

Vs BtL and Aginfusion it should always be Quetzal!

Also Quetzal should be considered vs HB playing Tatu Bolas (although Sable to help steal Ikawas off deep dives is correct if Central ice is light and you have Dive in hand) - either way hold off on installing Dj in these matchups till you know what you need.

Vs PE or other damage decks then you probably slam down Dj Steve the minute you draw it - but otherwise DJ Steve is only really correct if you already in the mid to late game and have Deep Dives and/or Trick shots to recur.

Most importantly, don’t just blindly install Dj for Steve because you draw it, The deck doesn’t want to run HQ once a turn for Steve value.


Shoutouts and Thankyous:

Man in the Moon - For organising and running an excellent event, was really fuin to be part of and went very smoothly.

XDG - For providing a server for smooth netrunning... I think without XDG's help this online tournament just wouldn't have been able to get off the ground

All my opponents: Got to play against some awesome people across the two days, including some that I have never butted heads with before, massive shout outs to all of you.

Tournament Report

R1 Loss vs Wyld on Aginfusion

R4 Win vs Nut Milk on PE

R5 Win vs Haveroffun on Trust Op R+

R7 Win vs ComradeCoheed on EAzmari

Cut R2 Win vs Snoobz on Moon PD

Cut R3 Win vs Hectorest on Asa


Still reading this... probably means you are actually considering playing it right??

Well then I can tell you that I think the deck is pretty much perfectly optimised with the main flex being the 4 influence spent on Cupellation and Monkey Wrench - That 4 influence is yours to spend how you wish! Wheels, Bones, LTF & Clot are all great options that could switch in for either of the slots here, Boomerang and Poison Vial have also crossed my mind... hell you mignt even see me throwing a chisel at you in jnet casuals!

Whatever you end up doing, have fun, as this deck is made mainly to do that!

1 Oct 2024 Council

It was a cheeky monkey ;)

Et c'est Sandra Bullock dans l'autobus!