it's still kit's last ride, 15th @ CBI

bblum 5269

It's still, the, same, deck. It doesn't really care about the trick shot ban since it was awkward with the kit ability anyway.

We put the hippomech for Loud, which we figured to be the worst matchup by a long shot (and amusingly, if you charge it with rigging, it helps vs reeducation and vs venti too). It did in fact steal one game vs PE in the swiss... but then my first cut match was vs TheKing's asa and it turns out the bad matchup is not just Loud, but any CGP deck.

I will keep saying this, but this is the only modern era runner deck that gives me that old netrunner feeling of deep, decision-dense, planning multiple turns in advance. Shaper should be about more than just spamming consumable breakers with simulchip and closing with deep dive and I really hope we're able to preserve that somehow after rotation.

Come to Pittsburgh districts on 3/2!!!