HB Caprisun

CodeMarvelous 20021

This is the HB version of my insufficient funds, based on a david sutcliffe article i recently read which confirmed my belief that taxing decks are getting stronger in competitive play. Down with FA.

eve is a much better tax than marked accounted because its not as click intensive and gives you more money per turn. Ash is better in faction, and HB has the best taxing ice in the game.

Generally I am looking to get one taxing and one quandary on rd and hq ideally to slow down RD or siphon decks and then start building the super server usually with a heimdall, tollbooth and viktor 2.0. If I am up against a siphon deck the first caprice usually goes on hq which is a significant disincentive for them to use account siphon.

Then ash for the remote and a second unrezzed caprice if i really need it. I am currently 12/1 with this deck at philly league play and on octgn. What I am finding is that the caprice on HQ really keeps me safe from siphon and I am able to outcredit the runner to an immense degree.

24 Apr 2014 CodeMarvelous


My old insufficient funds deck

24 Apr 2014 CodeMarvelous


My old insufficient funds deck