Dare Ye Pick The Whizzard?

caecitas 2

A Whizzard deck for a local meta, attempting to prove that Whizzard might in fact be playable, maybe.

Abusing his ability to trash cards (and the synergy between this and Gravediggers love of trashing installed things), this deck allows a runner to smash ice from the table, stacking grave digger ready to go dumpster diving.

Include in this the ability to run with cutlery (Rarely a good idea), coupled with eater resulting in even more dead ice for a low, low cost, doppelganger turns a destructive run into one where you can saunter on in and take what you want (Because as a real Whizzard, you make all the rules).

Pros -

The ability to trash cards from R&D that you cannot usually trash lets him dig deeper

Destruction of ice is always pleasant.

You can tell your friends and enemies that there's a new Whizzard in town.

Cons -

Requires a lot of setup. Without a solid starting hand, this deck will let you down.

Is Whizzard.

Best of luck and let me know what you think.

18 Apr 2015 Ber

You've got two spare inf, what about a Special Order to get that Eater faster? Because until you find Eater, all the Cutlery is just gonna pile up in your grip.

24 Apr 2015 caecitas

That is definitely solid advice Ber. My worry would be the fact I could only add a single Special Order. Dropping a Doppelganger and adding in two special orders might well be a solid bet though. Appreciate the feedback matey.