Hungry Hungry Hayley

CobraBubbles 1331

So I wanted to build a deck around Endless Hunger, but trying to build Apex made my head hurt so I decided to stick with what I know - Shaper Bullshit. There were 2 basic ideas in my mind as I built it:

1) Have a lot of cheap stuff to feed to EH, that ideally also provides helpful bonuses e.g. Harbingers, Hunting Grounds, All-Nighter, almost-empty Armitages, spare Mem Chips, spare Replicators, Sacrificial Constructs. Hayley helps speed up installing all this chud very nicely. 2) Run a cheap, efficient support suite for EH to deal with non-ETR ICE. Infinite Faerie use with Clone Chips and Constructs fits the bill nicely. Zu deals with the occasional tricky code gate like Inazuma or Enigma. The only Barrier I really care about is Galahad, so I had Inti in here originally, but after running into multiple Elis I think Lady will be more helpful (and she can be fed to EH when she's empty!)

After that it was just a question of adding the amazing Technical Writer and some draw, and I took Hayley in search of prey on OCTGN. I've only played two games but it seems like the engine works well overall, and sets up surprisingly fast. A lengthy match against NEH made me realise I have to dilute my jank with 'good' cards like Film Critic and Plascrete, unfortunately. I'm also considering swapping around the influence a bit. The deck runs pretty poor so Imp would be very helpful for trashing SanSans etc. It's also painful to run without HQ pressure so I'd like to slot a legwork. Considering dropping a Faerie and the Hunting Grounds to fit those in. I would do some more testing to figure it out but I have tournaments coming up so I have to spend time testing actually legal decks (Connections Geist and Hollywood Renovation Wombo-Combo Blue Sun, in case you were wondering). That's why I'm publishing - hopefully some of you other folk will have time to test this for me. Let's see if we can turn this pile of cheap crap into a real monster!

17 Aug 2015 Lttlefoot
17 Aug 2015 CobraBubbles

Nah, too dependent on drawing it before Hunger. I only need 5 MU really and I have effectively 4 Mem Chips in the deck.