Wax Coats (Fredericton GNK winner)

Snake Eyes 4651

Tired of Rust? Is life Corroding you down?

Well fear not! Enjoy wall after wall of unrelenting powerful wax barriers to protect your servers! Never fear rust again!

While mostly barriers, the chosen non barriers are great for Gagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon. RSVP negates the Runner's ability to access cards. Wendigo can also kill the use of any Fractor. Caduceus is always a great early piece of ICE that will force a mimic. Changeling can swap between Sentry and Barrier as per need.

The agenda suite works for the high density of Barriers... Superior Cyberwalls can result in huge profits and really junk up Runner's maths by super charging your barriers with yet another Coat of Wax! Government Contracts is sweet for cash, and NAPD Contract just pumps the tax. Speaking of contracts... Private Contracts is a nice little economy card that nobody ever wants to pay full retail price to trash. Contracts for days! Just sign the dotted line for the extended warranty with Gagarin Deep Space for peace of mind!

Ash 2X3ZB9CY helps makes servers secure. Crisium Grid is great all round for defensive purposes against almost all Runner decks. Worst case scenario, it can be used within a protected server to make Runners waste money hitting up the server . Cyberdex Virus Suite is an important 1-of in all modern decks. Interns to push Ash 2X3ZB9CY or Jackson Howard back into the grid as per needs. Interns is just all round great against Noise as well, giving you a little extra protection from mills.

Power Shutdown is really intended to wreck Corroders, but it's also a great tool against 0 cost programs like Proginerator, Self-Modifying Code or Faerie.

Possible future edits: I have mixed feelings about Asteroid Belt, that might be something to toy around with as more ICE gets spoiled throughout the Sansan Cycle. I'm also considering changing up the Melange for a 2nd Root. Runners are likely to trash the Melange for 2... it's rare they want to pay 5 to kill an economy card. Getting a few more play-throughs with this deck will give me some more time to fine tune this and that.