Subsidized Hacking

Finnbarre 72

Purely hypothetical thought experiment deck.

The idea here is to use the corp's bad pub to pay for your rig. Install Personal Workshop, host whatever you want, then run an un-iced server. Let's say you run 4 times with 1 bad pub. Each run use the bad pub token to pay for programs on the rig. Doesn't seem that amazing though does it? 4 clicks, 4 runs, 4 credits.

Ah but what if you are running those centrals with 1 or 2 datasuckers? That's a money equivalent right there. But it gets better! Score just 1 Investigative Journalism and you are suddenly getting magnum opus returns, 4 clicks, 4 runs, 8 credits to dump into your femme, corroder, or mediums/nerve agents.

Vigil for free card draw or forcing the corp to make awkward and usually bad decisions with hand size. If they are making the painful decision to run a 4 card hand to prevent you from getting a free draw, punish them with Itinerant Protesters, further reducing their hand size. Steelskin to replace plascrete.

Potential problems: No remotes, centrals iced early. Bad times. No program tutors (influence is tight). Economy could be tight too until PW gets rolling.

24 Jan 2015 Totakeke

You won't be able to find the right breakers at the right time. That alone breaks the deck.