The Nihilist: The true God of war (OKORINA)

Sokka 5655

Although I haven’t tested it, this deck seems very strong in theory. In standard, there is no anarch ID that the counter surveillance tag shell automatically fits into. In OKORINA, not only is there a natural fit for the ID, but it also completely counters what I suspect will he a fairly popular and powerful Corp strategy.

With The Nihilist as your ID, the virus tokens generated by God of War will actually be actively advancing your game plan (unlike every other post-Dean Lister version of this deck). You’ll be forcing the Corp to choose at the start of your turns to either let you draw 2 cards or mill the top card of R&D. If they don’t want to accelerate your set up, this forces them to either respond to the added pressure on archives, or to try to rush you out, which can both be quite difficult with the presence of Faust. EMP Device is very useful here by ensuring that the first Counter Surveillance doesn’t get stopped. As long as the first one goes off and Obelus draws you a ton of cards, no server is safe from Faust.

This deck also hard counters meat damage strategies. With The Cleaners as a newly added Corp ID that can pull off some crazy stuff with all of the meat damage tools that they have access to, trying to find solutions to all of it can be quite tricky. In that matchup, installing Paparazzi, Dummy Box, and Wireless Net Pavilion is likely GG unless they have some crazy tech prepared.

Would love to hear some thoughts about the deck and GLHF at OKORINA 2 for those attending!