Undying Weapon (2-1) 1st @ Whimsy GNK 2025-01-25

CyberspacePanda 125

Based off on NotAgain's Delicate Weapon.

-2 Boomerang -2 Miss Bones -2 Maw

+2 Aniccam +2 Stoneship Chart Room +2 Fencer Fueno

We decided to put Aniccam and Stoneship to combat the mass amounts of kill decks in our meta. That means Maw has to go as a console as well as 8 influence. Echelon, Takobi, and 2 Pinholes are obviously mandatory, so that leaves us with removing Boomerang, which can be compensated by the extra draw power provided by both Aniccam and Stoneship, and Miss Bones, which can be substituted by the slower but still relevant Fencer Fueno.

R2: Loss vs Joshua on Ob Superheavy Logistics: Extract. Export. Excel.. Having seen an Anemone in R&D and a Punitive Counterstrike in HQ, and him advancing City Works Project in the remote, I knew this was a kill deck and had to build my own board first before contesting. Eventually the game went to time with us both at 0 points and his City Works ready to be scored with 5 advancement counters. Not finding any other agendas in centrals, I had to contest the remote but didn't have enough cards to access the agenda as the Anemones drained my Stoneships. Turn passed to him scoring the City Works and a surprise Neurospike for the clutch kill!

R3: Win vs Javi on Thule Subsea: Safety Below. A starting hand of Fencer Fueno easily kept the assets in check and denied any sneaky scores. Fencer Fueno performs especially well as you could use the credits to pay for the Thule tax, then gain 1 credit back for stealing. After finally getting to 5 points (with 2 Nightmare Archives), found an Ikawah Project in Archives for the win.

R5: Win vs FreeRice on Jinteki: Personal Evolution. Early poking resulted in me eating a Snare! in the remote, then stealing a See How They Run and a Fujii Asset Retrieval in centrals. A turn or two later I facechecked into an Anansi in R&D, then got another See How They Run in HQ for the win.

Here is the corp deck I used: Singleton Azmari (2-0) 1st @ Whimsy GNK 2025-01-25

Thanks to lunari for testing with me and congratulations to them as well for placing 3rd!

28 Jan 2025 profwacko

Love the meta call (and loving the fact that we're big enough to even have a "meta").

Pinoy meta going back to kill deck roots

28 Jan 2025 lunari


29 Jan 2025 jrda25


29 Jan 2025 FreeRice
