kitchen table maxx Detroit Metro Regional Top 8

x3r0h0ur 8956

Second regional I top 8'ed with this. Deck was a HOUSE all day. 5-1 in swiss (loss to RP that simply out paced me for 30 minutes).

Faced 3 butcher in a row rounds 2-4 (bye first round), went tag me in all 7 games I played with it, got scorched out in elims after traffic accident missed IHW with 2 in hand when the corp had 5 points in archives and the next keyhole run would have seen 2 beales.

The game plan was hold tags after wantoning the scorch pieces (backed by utopia), and siphon to keep them poor. I was tag-me most games by the 3rd or 4th turn, feeling good with IHW and wanton (and them poor) protecting me.

The 1 HB deck I played faced down 5 siphons with keyholing through next bronze for a loss in like 8 minutes.

Most games take less than 15 minutes, maxx gets the keyhole and eater online so fast. The setup time is insane, and the hits are so hard.

Hacktivist did less work this weekend, due to less RP, but still fairly solid. The Shards were MVP allowing for 4 point keyholes, utopia into hades for the game a few times, and to protect vs scorch. I have a new more RP resilient version, with even more 'real access' in the works ready for my next regional!

13 Jun 2015 poorhaus

Congrats on the win! Great to see MaxX at the top tables.

I find most corps are totally unprepared for the ferocity of the siphon/keyhole 1-2.

Any trouble from Blacklist or Crisium? Behind a Turing or two they can be a problem.