Jinteki Scorch Deck

x3r0h0ur 8956

Maybe a little more murder attemptage?

3 Apr 2014 Ajar

Gyri gives the plan away while still being easy to break unless you also happen to draw Inazuma. I'm not crazy about it, especially at 2 influence. The only 2 influence ice I splash in Jinteki kill decks these days is Snoop.

3 Apr 2014 x3r0h0ur

Gyri can help you land the early kill if they hit it, you cast and tag and burn them, if they take the BD then great, it plays into later attempts to flatline normally. Gyri is only 'easy to break' with yog, which does NOT easy to break inazuma. You get one or the other, not both. "It dies to yog" will soon not be a valid arguement to make against low st code gates ;)

That said, this is a first draft, so I'm open to other conclusions.

3 Apr 2014 Ajar

Gyri is also easy to break with Gordian Blade, which is actually the decoder I see most often these days -- even from Criminals. Gordian and Yog are the two most common decoders, and Gyri is bad against both unless you have also drawn Inazuma. But Inazuma is so great in front of all of your sentries that I think you're going to have a lot of games where you draw Inazuma, play it in front of a sentry, and then draw Gyri and have no use for it.

3 Apr 2014 bubo

I like this build much better than the Nisei Scorch build earlier, although I feel that there is Project Junebug should still be a one-off in the build just due to the lack of advancable assets.

I'm still on the fence regarding Gyri Labyrinth, primarily due to my lack of experience with that card. My gut feeling is that it doesn't do much except possible discard at the end of the turn, and this is as recoverable as damage is due to the one turn limit of the effect. Unless there is some kind of combo or shenanigan, what makes Gyri's effect different from just straight damage? If there is not a game plan for this ICE, then Chum supporting Komainu may be a better play here.

I count only 5x ETR ICE in this deck, which is fine since you are going the taxing route. However, with the Account Siphon heavy meta and the threat of Keyhole, having a porous net over HQ sounds really risky. To me, it seems like this deck is screaming for Caprice Nisei on the centrals.

Your Agenda mix is on point for your purpose. Have you considered The Future Perfect for this deck with the intent of never scoring it? It would reduce Agenda density while only slightly increasing the risk of a high Runner score.

I'm concerned about the Economy in this deck. Is 3x Celebrity Gift and 2x Subliminal Messaging enough to support this without Sundew? With 6x ICE costing 5 or more credits, plus trace based subroutines, I'm worried about finding myself without credits more frequently than I'm comfortable with.

With recent releases, Neural EMP just seems like an under performer. I would look to Ronin to keep the direct damage, or use the card slots to bolster economy further instead.

10 Apr 2014 x3r0h0ur

I agree the econ is light, and it sorta sucks.

What you might be missing with gyri is inazuma into it, rez hiro, finish next turn wtih double EMP. This looks like a lot of 'combo' pieces, but if you can stick 1-2 brain damage with casts threatening the runner with scorch, then you need only hit gyri one time, or just rez hiro and then EMP should be a quick finish. I'm uncertain how well it'll work, but the idea is that if everyone continues to run yog only, then inazuma will turn on gyri pretty hard.

I'm excited to try out this style of 'best of bad options' type decks.

10 Apr 2014 bubo

I see what you're building there. The "combo" is finicky, but it's adaptable with the other cards. I still feel that advancing a Ronin over double EMP may be a better strategy, but I'll have to play with this build before I can state that with any certainty.

The more I look at Inazuma, the more that I'm enchanted with it. I may have to attempt a deck with Inazuma as the key piece, just to get it out of my system.