Copyright Protection is Serious Business

PTD 453

NBN bring you the news and so the news belongs to them. They'll make sure that they get their cut for everything you know worth knowing. Lots of advertisements and enforcement to ensure the message has been received.


My agenda choice has been dictated by my card pool. I have no access to Project Beale and only a single core set, hence the 2x AstroScript Pilot Program. The 3x License Acquisition are either used to return Adonis Campaign to fuel my economy or Hostile Infrastructure to protect existing assets.

There have been quite a few times I wish I had a single Breaking News, so might switch out a License Acquisition for this.

Assets and Upgrades

Again, due to card pool limitations I am relying on Daily Business Show rather than Jackson Howard. I did have Encryption Protocol in here before but I found this does not really work as well without the free draws from Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center, which I have been loathe to use due to the lack of Jackson Howard. More draws means more agendas coming that I can't deal with. It also had the funny effect of making them entirely ignore my assets, leading to more focused pressure elsewhere.

The single Project Junebug is just a nice surprised out of NBN, especially when I am leaving agendas on the table so often.

Adding Breaker Bay Grid really increased my economic tempo as I am often getting Adonis Campaign and Hostile Infrastructure for free. If they leave it on the table then Interns allows me to re-use it, saving even more credits for my ice.


I haven't actually managed to use Psychographics since I added it. The previous version had a serious issue where tag-me runners were just walking through layers of ice. I responded to this by adding Scorched Earth and Psychographics but now they tend to be flatlining them before they accrue too many tags. Thinking of switching it out for a Closed Accounts.

Manhunt with NBN: Making News recurring credits is a neat tax to protect everything at once. They tend to take the tag unless it is really important, but that is still a decent alternative to Enhanced Login Protocol at no influence cost.


I probably don't have enough ICE. Gutenberg has been MVP so far. It is pretty porous but makes R&D runs take multiple clicks and credits.

Information Overload tends to live in archives, to be installed with Interns if they start floating tags.

Snoop is really nice info and dangerous to fire, especially in combination with Project Junebug.

I would have really liked to get some Troll to make it even more difficult to shake the tags but I am just not running enough ICE slots to switch out for it.